Does anyone see this kind of interference by musk in our politics as a problem? Suddenly I have questions about PP.

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It’s an Oligarchy.

I know the USA’s government electoral system is easy to buy votes through. 20 years ago leaders could build crazy wealth for having inside knowledge and power to direct where the country was heading. But Bush wasn’t so blatantly obvious about his connection with leadership and lining his personal investments.

The moment I saw Musk shoulder to shoulder with another maximalist capitalist like Trump, it was hard not to see that the states has transitioned to an oligarchy. These two men know they don’t have to be subtle about this like leaders in the past did. Either the most of the voters happily don’t see this transition, or most of the votes were truly bought. If the second is true then it’s even more certain than the USA will have the wealthy 1% of billionaires standing at the top of leadership unable to be removed because, money buys anything

You mean the same Musk who’s backing far right in Europe ? The same musk who’s battling against workers right everywhere he goes ?

Yeah it’s a fing threat. He is, and anyone he’s backing, are danger to our democracies

If musk and Jordan the Russian asset want Pierre in, then I def want him as far away from power as possible.
Musk endorses Pierre.

This is what open foreign interference looks like. I’m sure that their is a whole lot of covert interference going on. Just look at some of the subs here.

The guy is a fucking Bond villain. Unreal

I said this in another thread, PP going on Jordan Peterson should be disqualifying. Now bring on all the bot, convoy, and incel downvotes.

Musk is obviously and blatantly using Twitter to spread misinformation and divisiveness. He’s also started to suggest dismantling the UK government lately. He’s an enemy to democracy now, straight up.

Peterson is a Russian asset and grifter.

These are terrible people and the fact they’re supporting PP ought to be extremely worrying to Canadians! Don’t fall for their bullshit.

It’s definitely a problem. Musk paid good money to get Trump back in office. He’s gonna try to do the same here. Never vote conservative

Deny. Depose. Defend. Eat the rich for creating the world that’s keeping us all down


If I were PP, I would not want an endorsement from Elon Musk, considering what he has done and is likely to do in the next administration.

If you’re educated on the history of Russia, the Donbas, and the Maidan revolution, you’re likely to be pretty alarmed right now.

This is what Russia does. This is their playbook. We are in danger.

They got the Americans. Will they get us?

Poilievre will sell us out.

DoFo already has.

What more do you need to know about the Conservatives?

Sadly Canada will likely have the same fate as the US and will see an increase in bots and propaganda before the election. Hopefully Canadians see these red flags but it seems more and more are getting brainwashed.

Suddenly?! pp can not be elected. Why are the NDPs and LIBs being attacked relentlessly is enough to know they are not in the millionaires pockets! THE CPC PARTY IS SYSTEMATICALLY BREAKING CANADA ON PURPOSE and if you support these Maga type conservatives your already too far gone and indoctrinated. DO NOT SUPPORT THE CPC PARTY AND BECOME AN ALLY OF THESE BILLIONAIRE OLIGARCHS! VOTE VOTE VOTE, MAKE SURE TO VOTE!ANYTHING BUT CONSERVATIVE, ALWAYS ABC! NEVER backwards, women have rights!

What you’re only realizing now that PP is right wing nut job. He’s dangerous and canada is screwed if he’s elected.

Donโ€™t forget that Musk was found to be communicating with Putin prior to the US Election. Please donโ€™t make the same mistake my country did. Anyone associated with Musk is a bad actor, full stop.

PP knows thereโ€™s money to be made. JP does what he does because of the money thatโ€™s made.

Petersen, PP, and Musk are Russian assets, allegedly working to further Kremlin interests through strategic influence in public discourse, technological innovation, and geopolitical narratives.

Iโ€™m finding everything about politics lately is disturbing ๐Ÿ˜ฃ more than usual.

Musk thinks Trudeau is a loser just like most of the world. Heโ€™s endorsing the dude he believes is the better option. Not much more to it.

You people are mental. Elon Musk said โ€œgreat interviewโ€ and you call it election interference? Thank God Canada is gonna be run by some cooler heads with common sense very soon. This is the reason the liberal party and NDP are fighting for 3rd place, and I hope they donโ€™t make a comeback for a very very long time. Good riddance Trudeau and Singh

There are a lot of braindead liberals in here. No wonder this country is going to shit.

im not a trudeau fan at all, dont think hes an effective leader, but will vote liberal next election simply on this premise of musk trying to sway opinion in favour of PP.

Pierre is gonna suck even harder than Trudeau and will pass nothing to help the poor or working class, weโ€™ll be seeing tax cuts for the rich and cheaper labour, Canada is so fucked and Canadians have no options for enriching their lives

Elon Musk who was born in South Africa has no right to interfere with US or Canadian election.

He can’t be a president in either country so he is using his money to buy it.


Just suddenly? ๐Ÿคฃ

Suddenly? Have a nice awakening to the facho sphere


I see this kind of interference by meanwhileincanada.bksy. social as a problem.

Elon said it was a great interview (I don’t know, I didn’t watch it). m.b.s decided to add the red flags, propaganda and links to nazis.

Watch the interview if you want. Decide if it is great or not. Agree or disagree with Elon. Quit all the labelling shit.

This is like when they say that someone “has links to” or “is associated with” some fringe group because they showed up at the same rally somewhere.

I don’t care what you think of JP or PP. Use your own brain and judge these things based on your own observations, not on what other people are telling you to think about them.

Downvote away.

As if PP wasn’t all red flags to begin with.

This is a problem but not George Soros or the wef?

Elon musk is a Canadian, Jordan Peterson is a Canadian, Pierre Poilievre is a Canadian. Guys Elon did his degree at queens

It was great

Ironic you post this the day that George Soros is getting a medal from the president for spending vast sums of money to interfere in politics.

Iโ€™m sorry, are we seriously saying that re tweeting a video is now election interference?

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