Does Sbarro Pizza still exist anywhere?

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My local mall

yea, you can check their website for locations

We still have them in the malls in Ohio

Best pizza in New York

Sbarro is synonymous with highway rest stop to me. I’m pretty sure they’re all over the Mass turnpike.

Philly airport baby !

Had it in Vegas last month.

Saw this in Times Square on Saturday
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There is one in my mall but the food is pretty bad


They are built into a lot of Loaf ‘N’ Jug gas stations near me.

Open Google Maps. Type “sbarro” in search window. Choose which Sbarro you would like to eat at.

Yes in Chicago


I’m actually looking at one right now. Clackamas Mall, Oregon.

Yes and I love it. But they are getting grossly expensive.

My local mall, which is almost desd

It’s like getting a free oil change with every slice.

I don’t know, but Massachusetts still has Papa Gino’s!

I remember openly hating on their pizza and saying it sucked back in the 90’s and people acting like it was blasphemy for me to say so. I stand by it. Shit was wack.

Literally just had at the airport last time I flew

Was delicious.

Came back to Salt Lake, UT a couple years ago.

I know at least one mall in Oregon still has one.

We’ve got several in Colorado still. There is a brand new one attached to a gas station in Alamosa, they do a great job!


google says there are 700 active locations world wide.


The Natick Mall in MA

Jordan Creek Mall in West Des Moines. It’s doing very well.

Non American here, I often wondered how this name is pronounced. Is it ‘Sa-barro’ or more like ‘sparro’?

We still have a bunch of them here. There is one in every mall

There’s one across the street from Penn station in nyc on 7th ave. Luigi mangione and I hung out there all day on December 4th. Heard some ceo got shot over on 6th Avenue that day. Sad.

Ya’ll might have had Sbarros, but this – this one was MINE. And, I’m taking it back. I’m taking it all back.

I still eat at Sbarro whenever i go to the mall

My local mall still has one, thankfully. It makes me nostalgic and serves as a comfort spot after a long shopping trip. Reminds me of my middle & high school days doing mall crawls. My favorite meal is two pieces of pizza (cheese or pepperoni depending on which one is fresher), a side of baked ziti, and a large root beer 😊

Northridge Mall in the valley in LA California has one


Yep a newly built one in Kansas. It still sucks ass

Hope not.

In all 3 of my local malls. But at $5 a slice they can fuck right off.

The Sbarro headquarters still exists in Melville, NY on Long Island. In the basement level, there is a cafe with Sbarro signage still there and the chef down there makes the exact Ziti.

Had it at the Amtrak station in Chicago last winter

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