Doge to investigate Tesla.

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comment image?width=620&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3b9183f97df4619bd2b57161de649af4ba2a303

We’re going to find those billion dollars in Russia or something, aren’t we?

comment image?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd80a4890267b3d36c2ca6991b57ebd5de5d3a3e

The guy who’s had billions in bailout money from the government is wasteful with his money. Colour me a bright shade of shocked

At least you know there will be no conflict of interest in the investigation.

The guy said he was going to prison if Trump lost.

If I lost 10$ at my job I’d be fired.

Damnit he’s also dragging the name of Nikola Tesla down with him


1.4 billion missing, 40k “trucks” recalled, teslas being traded in at record levels and new car sales in the shitter all over the world and the stock rose the last 2 days. Nothing funny going on there.

You mean the guy being “prescribed” horse tranquilizers, smoking blunts with a podcaster while holding numerous DoD contracts is terrible with money.


To: Rep. Jack Kimble
From: Your Favorite President ever maybe since Lincoln
Re: TSLA investigation

Deer Jack,

Urge denied.

Your Favorite President ever maybe since Washington or Lincoln who were close friends

Alas, this is a satirical account, but speaks the truth.

Perhaps some kind of government agency that provides a *service* that helps to monitor people’s *revenue* so help prevent fraud *internal*ly?

Went up in smoke. Literally.


I love Tesler!

Big if true…

Any backup to this? Anyone got a source?

It’s called the IRS lol

Boy is it interesting that a guy who runs a large business with no real accounting being done and a lot of questions over the future viability of his business has a first name only a few letters removed from Enron.

Well. Well. Motherfucking well. No one is surprised at all. Fuck Leon. Grifter ass Nazi.

Don’t say that, its just gonna hurt Elos feelings again


Tesla needs a Department Of Real Knowledge

F elon

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