Don Jr. used homeless Greenlanders as staged “MAGA supporters” by bribing them with a hotel dinner.

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For those in the comments asking for proof, here ya go:

Here’s the [comment I found it on with more explanation.](

Denmark is within their rights to ban Trump and his operatives from their country, including Greenland, as enemy agents seeking to stir up discourse in the population through fraud.

Dirtbag fascist from a dirtbag fascist family.

Of course he did. Sad.

So paid crisis actors basically?

The real crisis actors

The man is scum. I’d gladly share dinner with any of those Greenlanders around him, but I’d leave any building little Donny walked into. He’s worthless.

I really never ever thought ill of anyone.

Until tRump. I wish something really bad happens to the lot of them, before they fuck the world up.

Dictionary definition of exploitation.

Let me guess, he walked out on the check too.

He is a douche bag just like his old man

4 more years min of this ass-shit family and they havent taken office yet

TIL there are homeless people in Greenland

This is how he started in the US, paying people to support him as he rode that gold escalator. So, I wouldn’t dismiss the idea that it works.

What an asshole

You’d have to bribe a country’s residents in order to win them over.

I mean, I don’t know the veracity of these claims, but that lot LOOKS like a bunch of crazed, strung out weirdos, but that might just be the hat. It’s the surest sign of a dangerously unhinged person here in America, so I might have a bias. Either way I hope these people don’t suffer any blowback from this, because I doubt they have any clue what’s going on.

Trump is such an idiot that he thinks it’s called Greenland because it’s all green grass like one of his golf courses.

I hate the fact that people keep saying Trump is trolling with his comments. It’s trolling if you say it once or twice and move on. This isn’t trolling. This goes well beyond that. Trump is in my opinion being 100% serious with his comments and the American people need to take it seriously. Trump is very much willing to throw away everything we have built on this continent with our neighbors living mostly in peace in the name of Imperialism and to tout his ego.

Junior, that white stuff on the ground is snow it’s not cocaine. Don’t try to snort it

Can someone TLDR why the Trumps keep bringing up Greenland? I seem to remember this was a thing in his first term too.

Can you imagine if the son of the leader of another country flew into Guam or the Virgin Islands and said, “hey, you want to join us?”

America has lost its mind

Anyone else remember when the big scary buzz phrase with these alt right conspiracy theorists was “New World Order”? And the big fear mongering was around a one world government?

Good times. I guess that was only when they weren’t the ones setting it up.

His dad ain’t proud cause he had to spend money where it wasn’t needed /s

The trash doesn’t fall from the dumster

Now imagine, imagine if the script was flip and it was Hunter Biden doing this under Joe’s orders. I can tell you conservatives wouldn’t just be bitching on social media

He is a piece of SHIT TRASH Greenland should imprison him

Fuck this scum along with his whole family.

That’s the Trump family doing trump family things.
That’s sadly not a shocking thing anymore

Probably didn’t even buy them dinner if he takes after his deadbeat dad.

They don’t look terribly enthusiastic.

Diabolical. Fuck this “movement”.

Of course. Where else is Trump going to find an island big enough for Epstein World?

Sadly its working, this is how they conquered all those marginalized votes in the US and turned them MAGAinalized, based on pure lies and manipulation.

So we’re like actually doing this? Time to sell the 2 cars and buy a school bus. Wyoming desert and BLM land here I come

MAGA are sick in the head for supporting these people.

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