Everyone knows the best armor for girls is chainmail bikinis, duh!
1 month ago

1 month ago
It’s undeniable that fashion and beauty trends of the time impacted the design of expensive armour especially. As it was very much a statement piece that had to remain practical.
So in a fantasy setting with armour, if women are fighting regularly and the beauty standards of the time line up with it boob armour is 100% plausible.
If you are just talking about what actually existed historically well… Yeah there’s no point going on here
1 month ago
I guess historical accuracy goes out the window when it comes to… certain areas.
But why are they erect?

Everyone knows the best armor for girls is chainmail bikinis, duh!

It’s undeniable that fashion and beauty trends of the time impacted the design of expensive armour especially. As it was very much a statement piece that had to remain practical.
So in a fantasy setting with armour, if women are fighting regularly and the beauty standards of the time line up with it boob armour is 100% plausible.
If you are just talking about what actually existed historically well… Yeah there’s no point going on here
I guess historical accuracy goes out the window when it comes to… certain areas.