Don’t be silent, your turn will come as you remain silent.

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People need to leave that platform. It is beyond toxic.

Restrictions on twitter, I did Nazi that coming.

Elon Musk endorsing an Islamic State while the people are trying to have the secular republic restored.

Free speech –

as long as its what Elon wants to hear

This is literally what Tweeter was bought for. To manipulate narrative

Leave twitter is the only way to free twitter…It must die

It’s free speach: you can speak FREELY on topics I ALLOW

Try accessing RT news Twitter in EU and you get the same message.

There’s nothing they can do. Alternative is being banned in the EU or Turkey

Thats not how free speach works dud. People can say what they want even if you don’t like it.

Was there a European Twitter(X) alternative that would be a great way to bush start the swiching process

It’s always the same. Everytime a super rich person proclaims himself as savior of the working class and a true fighter for free speech the whole proclamation ist not:




“Did you even say thank you ? “

r/FreeSpeech would appreciate this post.

Elon Musk, Donald Trump, Orban, Erdoğan These are Friends guys wake up !

Duh? He bought Twitter so he could shape public perception by allowing lies and misinformation to be propagated.

I dont understand really, why people still use this shitty nazi platform? I left the day 0 this lunatic bought it. Common guys, there are 300 ways to communicate over the internet nowdays.

Free speech absolutism for me, not for thee

I thought he was “a free speech absolutist”

This is Anti-Democratic AF.

Europe should develop it’s own social media and ban this propaganda machine as soon as they can

I don’t get why people still use Twitter in the first place?

Everybody get off “X.”

Elon isn’t a free speech prophet. He is an indoctrinator.

I think I understand why he’s doing it.

“Hey, Elon, President Erdogan wants X to block the democratic opposition in his country and only let pro-government sources post Xcrements from now on!”

“Erdogan? Who’s that? Did we buy him?”

“Nah, he’s basically Turkish Hitler.”

“Hitler? I like the sound of that! Just give him what he wants and ask he wants me to kiss his balls like I do Trump’s!”

Only the speech of little Adolf is free speech, all others are free to say “yes”.

Only nazis use Xitter anyway.

“Free speech” (he agrees with*)… not ACTUAL freedom

F’elon Musk 🤡

what was that about CHP members turning on the leaders btw?

That shows Musk’s alignment with dictators to be ideological in nature as he is supporting Erdogan despite Erdogan opposing Putin (for now, anyway).

its supposed to be whatever your speech laws are in your country, its only free speech in the US because thats our law, otherwise X has always followed the law as a rule

you’d have to know nothing about how X works to believe OP

if you want free speech put it into law, im surprised you dont, we should be shitting on your leaders not the other way around, ours let us speak, even the orange man, wheres all the outrage at turkeys leader oppressing is people on a daily basis? 🤔

B l u e s k y 

I know you guys like to bash Elon Musk at all times, but please do some research before bashing him here.

He is not in a position to change Turkish free speech laws, and unless he wants twitter to shut down in turkey, by not following local laws (leading to even less free speech in Turkey), He/Twitter has to follow local laws and regulations.

as such, this is not really on him/twitter, but rather Turkeys current laws on free speech.

I mean its elon afterall

Why use twitter/x antway in the first place

Honestly, the time to leave X was when Musk bought the platform. The second best time to leave is now.

When will people just deactivate their account and try blue sky, you can’t trust Facebook/meta either

Just fucking flee X !
Use Mastodonte for example

Wasnt there an uproar when x decided to ignore some Brazilian law? Hows this different?

Bluesky or Mastodon Europe equivalent to X

Why the fuck are people still on X?

It’s like nonsense

Moron post.

1. It is not Elon Musk that restricts these accounts, it is the company

2. They have to comply with legal requests, for very obvious reasons …

So turkey and USA are aligning like USA and Russia aligned?

After nearly a century of being kicked off by europe! Whoa 😮 Who knew!

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