Don’t belittle the imp

By Raijgun
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Isn’t this the guy who got famous playing small people roles, then complained about other small people playing similar roles in Snow White?

I’m pretty sure he’s the reason they went with CGI.

Oh he’s an angry elf

This dude is never happy

He’ll be speaking to his legal team shortly.

Awww, I think he’s feeling be-littled.

Short on height, but tall on wit


Ah yes the little person who got famous playing little people and they tried to shut the door behind him when Disney wanted little people to play little people in snow white.

*Peter Dinklage will remember this.*

But this is adorable

His vengeance will be tall and dragony!!!

“Belittle”….. I see what you did there.

He gets taller once every 4 years so not a complete loss

Such an angry elf!

Only kin non leap years


I first saw you in “The Station Agent” and have been a fan ever since. Have never watched Game of Thrones though.

[Also February]comment image)

He even had a sense of humor, I like it.

Hey isn’t that the guy who pulled up the ladder after himself with the snow white thing?

I’ll fight with you, I am also short, and undermined because of my shortness.

Ok, this account is fake but that was funny NGL

Dinklage is awesome.

I read this thinking it was gonna be a cheesy pick up line from valentines day 😂

the amount of people here who think he really posted that is concerning.

What a whinging midget.

Is ths a real tweet? He seems too grumpy and self serious to make a joke about that

Ffs ..this dood needs to fekkin chill. He should take a page out of Brad Williams’s pocket book.

where insult? where rare? where rare insult?

You have made a powerful enemy. A Lannister never forgets…

The Lannisters always pay their debts.

He’s often overlooked.

belittle hehe

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