Don’t blame others for your inability to pay your own taxes

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Lol Pete Hegseth too broke to pay his taxes 😅

Anyone with any level of clearance knows how debt plays into your ability to recieve and maintain your clearance. And there’s a reason for it. If you owe money, you’re more likely to accept bribes or money from unscrupulous sources.

This is basically hegseth saying he’s for sale.

It’s extra fun because it’s not as if the IRS just arbitrarily hands out notices that you owe them large sums of money like this. They’re doing it because he deliberately underpaid his taxes. He’s only mad because he was caught.

It’s a bit like being angry at the cops that catch you drink driving and trying to get them fired.

That is not an audit notice for those who don’t know. That is a balance due notice.

Weird that the date of the letter isn’t there.

Dude owes $33K in back taxes and it’s everyone’s fault but his. Sounds like a Fox News personality

An alcoholic Nazi white supremacist domestic abuser SecDef complaining about lack of norms and decency.

In what f***** world is it normal for a very wealthy person to show that they’ve been storing their taxes and then complain about it to the f****** poorest of the poor

God these fucking people can make anything about their calls to loyalty. “This thing happened, We won’t back down! They want you dead!” like shut uuuuuuuup

He is such a douchecanoe.

I’d hate it too if I rode the coattails of a campaign based on alleged government inefficiency to a major political appiointment and was one of the supposed few whose tax indiscretions were still deemed important enough for the supposedly inefficient government department to bother chasing up I guess

just pay your f’n taxes and move on, you tool.

The year right after my divorce I made a mistake and didn’t report something. I got a letter like that. Instead of pouting and pretending that I was a victim, I handled it like an adult and paid the damn money.

My nephew got fired for owing back taxes because he couldn’t pass the clearance check.

Hmm… no wonder why Husky Musky wants access to IDRS.

Doesn’t this make him a security risk? If it was me, John Doe Citizen, wouldn’t I be at risk of having my clearance revoked?

His brain is as smooth as Walton Goggins’ forehead

Could someone please explain to me exactly how this is Biden’s fault and not the guy who didn’t pay his tax bill?


Wonder how many dependents he declared

Tried to write off all his payments to those he s*x abused.

maybe he was really shitfaced and just forgot?

Probably tried to get away with not paying what he owed and is now mad. What he is complaining about is something that brings the intelligent middle class joy, someome rich being made to pay their fair share.

Never back down from *them*, this is why they are dismantling our government, they already take more than their fair share and they want even more. They will take away the things that enable you to have a life just so they can get a little more wealthy (or a lot more wealthy)

And as usual, blames Biden for something that, in almost absolute certainty, is just a function of a properly functioning IRS. And with zero evidence it has anything to do with Biden.

He’s just mad the IRS doesn’t take Rubles.

Hey, if you’re not cheating on your taxes, there’s nothing to worry about right?

Shouldn’t having big debts like this be detrimental to getting cleared for security and positions like he was just appointed to?

I didn’t see what year he’s being audited on. I did see that while the army chopper hit a civilian airline he was making a repair list for his government issued house. He wants $175,000 in upgrades. Where’s DOGE in this.

Yeah, it was definitely Biden who issued that, nothing to do with him not paying his taxes 🙄

Next years filing: Pete the Abuser buys futures in Ukrainian metals and makes 1.3 billion.

Maybe pay your bills Pete. Lay off the sauce.

Who is surprised the alcoholic hasn’t paid his taxes?

You can’t get a loan if you have unpaid taxes, but you can get confirmed as secretary of defense?

What do you need to pass this background check, a fucking pen?

Party of personal responsibility folks

TBH I think paying your taxes is the norm… Oh yeah. Nevermind. That’s only for us serfs.

If there’s anything I know, it’s that the government operates at lightning speed for everything. I’m sure you can push through an audit in a few days. Anyone here ever been audited? It’s just a quick 10 minutes process! /s

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