Don’t forget to wear a ski mask

By 13beans
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Yay insurance fraud! Just remember there’s cameras fucking everywhere these days.

How is this “anticonsumption” exactly? Setting a car on fire is going to create a lot of waist and toxic fumes in the atmosphere, not to mention that discarding a perfectly functioning car just to buy a new one is literally the definition of consumption. Don’t let the hate make you do stupid shit thanks

Yeah, Hyundai….caught using child labor at their Alabama factory in 2022.

Great for anti consumption.. literally burn all the resources put into the production of this car, just to change brand. All the emissions and child labor throughout the supply chain gone.
This is insanity.
Just get a sticker and take off the logos. We all know trump and elon suck.

This is the opposite of anti-consumption. This is destroying a working vehicle to buy another vehicle, aka consumption. 

Yup. Since it’s worth more to the insurance as a total loss than a trade in. Or a resale. We will see more of this. Oh no not my Tesla. Oh well

You people and your weird fantasies.

Not sure why this meme is on this sub. How does destroying a car for political reasons and getting a new one help anticonsumerism?

People like you should get off this sub for sure.

Edit: also if you own a tesla, that’s on you. Elon was always like this, so just because you were turning a blind eye before your favorite politician started hating them, you’re still no better. Tesla already profited on that car. You’re now burning it? For what? To harm the environment more? Entitled idiots

Funny to me is one post claiming it’s the owners, and another post on Reddit complaining that the people getting caught, who aren’t the owners, are possibly getting sent to El Salvadore.

Do people really fall for propaganda that isn’t even consistent? Is it the owners, or activists going to El Salvadore? More specifically, can you name one owner caught doing what you claimed, or is this another instance of the source being “trust me bro” and “billionaire bad, but only the ones on the other side”.

Acts of terror aren’t covered by insurance

Proof that the democrats who support this never gave a damn about the environment

Just don’t get caught I’ve been watching YouTube all day of police body cam footage of people getting arrested for vandalizing stores and cars and the funniest part is when the cop tells them it’s a felony and the realization of them knowing they can’t vote no more is a trip

Honestly? This is maybe the one case where that seems fine to me. Especially with the way Tesla treats the used market.

Pretty dumb idea tbh

I don’t agree with burning a car even if it’s a Tesla . Sometimes we have ignorant people that would leave their animals inside the cars . Also they leave important materials inside cars . Besides we have to think about if it was done to us . How would we feel .

Hyundai you say? Are they a lot better now?

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The radical left. Insurance fraud is ok as long as you’re “in the fight.” 😂🤣

Lol. maker… are you not aware of the hyundai/kia fire issues?

Even if you’re embarrassed to drive the thing, you can at least repurpose the battery as backup storage.

Democrats are showing the world that electric cars are not apart of their agenda! They are burning them! That probably isn’t good for the environment!

I wonder if they will all go back to BMWs?

Well don’t tell everyone. You shit!

Weren’t they all recalled anyway?


Why would they buy a Hyundai?

For a Hyundai? I rather walk

It could be that putting up one’s Tesla to be smashed with a baseball bat for $5 or $10 a swing would net you more than an insurance claim.

I wonder what Tesla could have done to prevent this?

Get a Honda, instead. Ridiculously reliable.

Some of them are probably going to buy the latest tesla model.

They should have purchased a Lucid instead.

Too funny

Hyundais are super nice

Just trade it in for a Prius. They’re great!

False flags. Many people are saying it.

That is precisely what is happening at the dealerships IMO. Can’t sell em might as well get insurance money.

The party of “reason” 😂😂😂

Hyundai that’s a duper downgrade

Will someone please remind me which movie ended with that little girl

How does committing insurance fraud do nothing to Elon musk


can someone send me the original of this it looks JUST like my cousin.

Pretty sure people in Florida did this inside their homes after the hurricanes because flood damage isn’t covered, fire damage is 

Hyundai’s suck

And just like that, liberals don’t care about the environment anymore. 🤷

Well, it’s as valid as any of the shit they say about us.

I thought acts of terrorism, like acts of war, weren’t covered.

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