DON’T google it. seriously

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I’m not going to google this. It’s a dead subject to me.

I did…

“Hey Mary lets go munting, they buried your sister two weeks ago now. She’ll be ripe!!”

it involves corpses

Unpopular opinion: you should absolutely kinkshame


No way this exists. I’m sure someone made it up for a goof.

The vertical dividing piece of multipane window framing?… this?

So that’s what this is called. Good to know.

Pretty sure it’s called munging not munting

so. your evidence of why you should kinkshame. is a completely made up act that only exists for people to make fun of on tictoc?

Grave robbery

Ya, don’t research that vocabulary, just go to bed.

OP is getting downvoted but hes so right

I have seen things not even bleach can cleanse

I don’t kink shame. I do kink ask why

People after watching “An episode of Johnny test but every whipcrack bass boosts the video by 1 decibel” after they teach the 4:59 timestamp


There are people who get sexually aroused by dressing up in baby clothes and diapers, acting and posing like children like furries make personas out of their animals

I think we should do a lot more than kinkshame them

Oh god I did it 🤢

Tbh i expecting to be sick and twisted

for people who don’t want to Google it, munting is basically >!when you find a dead body and then someone puts their mouth on one of their orifices and then the other person jumps on the body and the dead person’s insides go into person 1’s mouth!<

OP fighting the good fight in the comments

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