Don’t let anyone gaslight you

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The fist thump over his heart before thrusting his arm up in the air made it obvious what he was doing…

>Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.

– Sartre

And like full on. Not a “Ooo[ps, did I accidentally wave in a way that makes it look briefly like a Nazi Salute, but full-on “get beaten down by cops in Germany” Nazi Salute.

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Mainstream media is falling over themselves to call it an “awkward hand gesture”.

Everyone knows it was a Nazi salute.

No disrespect to the author of that tweet, but I didn’t need expert confirmation. See duck, recognize duck.

We are in a Nazi dictatorship. I don’t know why people are gaslighting themselves

He did it not once, but twice, with vigor and crispness. Textbook and from the heart. Somebody’s been practicing.

There is no similar historical roman salute. That’s what the elon stans are using for their go to excuse.

Ask anybody who excuses it to film themselves doing it and post a video under their real name.

I know what I saw. there was hate in his eyes when he extended his arm.

Remember one thing: there are more of us than there are of them. They just have a bunch of parasitic, psychopath billionaires amplifying their bullshit. Prepare and be aware.

FDR is rolling in his grave! Fuck everyone who voted for this!


I went to high school and have seen Inglorious Basterds on several occasions, I also know that’s a Nazi salute.

Republicans know it was a Nazi salute.

Republicans are Nazis. No need to pretend they aren’t.

The level of cope people go through to pretend they don’t associate with Nazis is nuts.

I would have a tiny amount of respect for them if they just came out and said it instead of doing this stupid “erm it was aksually a romantic salute 🤓” bullshit.

Fucking clowns.

ADL: It’s a delicate moment.

Elon may be a Nazi but that doesn’t matter because he supports Israel.

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I have no deep study beyond basic history lessons, that was a nazi salute

Anyone with common sense knows what it was…. Of course, those trying to “explain why it wasn’t” have repeatedly shown a lack of common sense.

And we are only a few hours into the term.

Also studied Nazis at university. This is the right answer.

Big thanks to my great grandad for putting the instinct to hurt nazis in my veins

Wolfenstein: The New Colossus was supposed to be a work of fiction; not reality. Anyone have Blazkowicz on speed dial?

It’s probably just a coincidence that everyone defending Musk’s salute also happens to have very precise and detailed knowledge as to how to perform a proper Nazi salute.

Elon Musk used to suck his own farts through his pants. Now, he presses one of his nostrils directly against his asshole and snorts his farts right from the source. He sometimes likes to switch things up by sucking farts of all shapes, sizes, colors, and textures through a crazy straw he keeps in his asshole.

And then there was the absurd head bobbles with his eyes rolling back. Someone needs to check/change his meds

My grandfather didn’t lose brother’s in arms for this bullshit. I am sick that the enemy my grandfather fought to end, is back. If you ever need our help, Canadians are ready to fight Nazis once again.

3 nazi salutes.

Makes you wonder how often the dude has done this behind doors.

Well if it wasn’t any functioning human being would have gone, oh shit sorry, that was a mistake

He hasn’t bothered to deny it yet has he

No, you don’t get it, Sarah S from Florida did her own research and found the angle of the hand raise was 5 degrees off.


(No offense to any Sarah S in Florida)

Of course, Leon is a super-genius with supernatural ingenuity and intuition that helped him become a well-connected and powerful sigma male billionaire, but he’s simultaneously a helpless baby who doesn’t understand basic social cues, elementary WWII history, and that there’s never a good reason to stick your arm in the air in the exact way he did, twice in a row. Poor impotent-but-also-not, capable-but-also-not wittle Leon.

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