Don’t Trust Everything Online

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Reason #1488 why you should never believe anything you read on Xitter.

Same rule as always apply: when someone says something outrageous and launching intense criticism at something, follow the money. Almost always they have vested interests in something competing.

Why hasn’t Elon removed community notes yet? Considering how often he gets called out, you think he’d have tossed them by now.

Lol, 300x worse? That’s hilarious. Heavy exposure to nuclear waste is “well you have a few hours to live, also your body will have to be buried in a special coffin to keep your corpse from contaminating the environment.

We really need misinformation laws in this country. Like if I see that someone posted something blatantly and provably false, I should be able to take that person to court and sue them.

When I bought my panels I was told that by 20 years I will lose about 15% production. 20 more years I should lose another 15% of the remaining generation. Also they are fully recyclable.

My panels are 15 this year and I haven’t noticed any drop in generation.

Well even if the guy is wrong, the Community note is not totally honest either : “mostly aluminum and glass” is not the whole story as the remaining left outside that “mostly” indeed is problematic.
And it is true that, not only for this particular piece of equipment, wealthier countries send many of their waste in poorer countries, where population can suffer tremendous level of intoxication/disabilities because of it.
But honestly, far less problematic than any CO2 emitting energy generator in our current times.

“300x more harmful than nuke waste”

How ridiculous can you get?

It is somewhat surprising that people willingly show they are complete corrupt idiots by posting such a blatant lie which no person with more than a year of education would believe.

Good lord, Nick Delulu! 😒

More harmful than nuclear 🤣🤣🤣🤣 If it doesnt give you terminal cancer after ha dling it for seconds, its not more harmful than nuclear 🤦🤦🤦

Nuclear power isn’t a fossil fuel… the note needs fixing

I mean, his NAME is Delulis. Of course he’s delulu.

I wonder how long this feature will last on Twitter as it’s one of the only good feature added in musks ownership

Thank God they stopped fact checking.

Capitalizing on ignorance? In *my* intershits?

His name is basically delulu

Reason why you should always look at the source of any info.
That will usually tell you a lot.

Deluliis might be delulu right now

Why they need to lie about those things? There’s a lot easier avenue for attack – batteries. There is yet to be good way to recycle them. Of course, unrecycled batteries is not that big a problem yet, especially because technology could catch up, but it still legitimate problem.

It can’t just be 3x more toxic than uranium, it’s got to be 300x more.

They give themselves away in their earnestness to make whatever “woke” or “sciency” solution that takes away profits sound worse than the status quo.

“If you believe the myth of Global Warming,.. then it will be 300x worse with solar panels.”

*Wait. That’s not how reality works. You can’t have both things.*

So right. Obviously, all the disinformation led to the pickle. We find ourselves in-in many ways.

More like Nick Delu lies

Speaking of toxic trash…

I have an 18kw array and my panels are warrantied to be operating at 85% capacity at the 35 year mark.

Was looking at getting panels. All installers are offering at least 20 year guarantees, most are offering 25 and some are offering 30

Evil man

I’ve straight up had Trump supporters admit their primary source for information was Twitter.

They simultaneously told me that AP and Reuters were not to be trusted.

We are fucked.

Yeah it leaves behind stray pieces of sun behind

More harmful than nuke waste? Bro has not a single brain cell

What could solar panels possibly be made of to be 300x more hazardous than nuclear waste? Dark matter?

>often solar waste is sent to poorer nations

Wait till this guy finds out what happens to most of our electronic waste.

Solar panels may last 30 years in an environment with no weather, but that is not a realistic expectation.

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