Don’t you dare shut down PBS

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Killing Sesame Street should really make them popular

I fucking hate how reactionary they are about cutting stuff. Like yeah it cost money to run a government and have nice things. How about we do some research into if something is actually useful and needed before cutting

Musk is all “FUCK public broadcasting; make that shit private”

I fucking hate this fuck. He’s the only immigrant that needs to fuck off back to his country because he’s so eager to fuck ours

You can tell he’s just reading the Republican spin on PBS. 535 million in our government is paltry.

Liberal propaganda? How so? Do they even do news? I haven’t watched in forever but last I checked they had stuff like Nova and Sesame Street.

I’m a filmmaker and the last few years I’ve been making a lot of cool programming for PBS. I won an Emmy this year for a documentary I directed about an all American dude that makes Windsor chairs by hand. But, yeah, I guess I’m part of the woke mind virus :/

They want conservative propaganda, not facts and reality.


Make cuts to space X ,not PBS, and raise taxes to the wealthy.

DOGE is not a real governmental agency. That said of course the administration will attempt to make cuts to things like PBS. 😑

Ah yes but remember America, people on there like Hank Green push “liberal agenda’s” like “Evolution”, “The Earth is 4.5 billion years old”, “The Earth goes around the Sun”, “Climate Change is real”, “Pride”, “Acceptance and diversity”.

Cannot have that now.

Stupid, pointless, and to the detriment of the general public, gonna be a long four years.

Imagine killing Elmo. **Elmo!**

Repeal Elons SpaceX TAX PAYER PAID SUBSIDIES that he never followed through on.
He made promises and didn’t even try to keep them
You don’t get tax payer hand outs to become the world’s richest man. We want a REFUND!!

Funny when factual reality is considered propaganda.
Wait, did I say funny? I meant utterly transparent corruption.

535 million is chump change in the scheme of things.

Let’s see these idiots touch the pentagon’s budget

Pushing education is liberal bias! 🤨

This can’t be fucking real

Mr. Rogers is gonna come back from the grave and murder people.

And so it starts.

Department of gouging education

PBS is probably the best money the US government ever spent.

I’ve always heard that most amaricans couldn’t pass the immigration test. Imagine being so stupid you don’t know how funding works in our government then some fat slob makes you think you have power for funding stuff

Notice how anything that isn’t pro-maga is automatically “liberal propaganda.” The reason they’re doing this is simple: the easiest way to control people is to control the information they receive. That’s why all autocratic governments control the media and censor the internet.

Delete Twitter people. Do it yesterday.

Learned English watching pbs kids 😢. This isn’t the great country I thought it was growing up anymore.

I truly hope his plane crashes while the whole doge crew is on it.

I can’t believe this is the future America VOTED for. They WANT this for themselves! Just unreal!

Free press? No fascist government ever allowed that.

>liberal propaganda

like teaching kids to read and appreciate nature?

Fire the Big Bird Brain!

Keep Big Bird!!


Wait a second isnt this censoring free speech? Something that Elon says he’s against

PBS and NPR will be fine guys. Less than 10% of their budget comes from federal funding. It’s not a small amount but similarly there ARE millionaires that don’t make headlines that contribute a lot.

good thing their money comes from viewers like you.

Facts are liberal ideas!!!

im sorry, what? pbs has been the most neutral centist take on the news….oh wait thats why they are targeting pbs.

It’s a nonprofit. Most of It’s budget comes from donations. Yeah, conservatives hate it, and always have tried to kill it. Cutting all government funding won’t kill it. They’ve tried.

Literally imagine firing Big Bird.

If I was a Christian, I’d plan on a ticket straight to hell if I fired Big Bird

I swear to god if this keeps us from getting the upcoming Ken Burns documentary about the Revolutionary War I’m gonna be suuuuuuper pissed.

Man, love it that “be cool to everyone and do cool shit and provide cool information” is branded as liberal propaganda. Y’all are fucked

These god damn fuckers.

Not yet in office but the dictatorship begins. Such is life; there will be so much pain…

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