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Get ready for OnlyAI. I’m not joking. It’s going to happen.

I want to see their tech stack and internal technical challenges

OnlyFans and a big gambling website are the UK’s two tech successes. Funny whenever a politician is trying to big up our tech sector they never mention them.

I mean ARM was a massive UK tech success, but it’s Japanese owned, likewise Deepmind is google owned.

Say what you want about onlyfans, the business model works. How the hell you run a loss-making company with billions in revenue is totally beyond me. What a fuckin scam

Tech Bros: “AI will usher in a new age of prosperity.”

AI in reality: “Your claim is denied. Go home and die.”

Plot twist: one sells code, the other sells decode.

Onlyfans has made it possible for the average girl to become a prostitute, which is more revolutionary.

Also, OpenAI loses approximately 5 billion dollars a year.

Head to r/OnlyFans for all the pics

It’s absolutely wild they were on the verge of banning adult content a few years ago.

Fusion ha

AI porn enters the chat

me: $0.0B revenue

How do I find this meme format without the text ?

This is a “Look what they need to mimic a fraction of our (financial) power” moment.

Friends and fans private and loyal 😉

just push it to prod and pray it works… or just blame it on the client, works every time.

the fear of touching anything and breaking it is real

OF started so promising and became such a shithole. I’m so glad I deleted my account.

What’s the joke

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