Double stuff my ass

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I’m sure you’re a lovely person, but I’m taken.

Don’t mind if I do.


Not tonight. I have a headache.

Title is misleading

I appreciate the offer but I’ve still got Christmas shopping to do

Think you got the wrong sub bud

Me and a friend are on the way. Do we get any of the Oreos?

I mean..I’d rather have the Oreo I think. But thank you for the offer.

Edit: Thank you for the award and the cake day love!


Is this the line for the gangbang?


Punctuation is important.

DOUBLE stuff my ass

double STUFF my ass

double stuff MY ass

double stuff my ASS

Have you seen how little cream regular oreos have these days? This is double unfortunately


This has to be one of the fastest growing comment threads of all time. Now all the karma bots are going to start flooding subs with double entendre’s.

comment image?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48bab156e33dde0a7d48e3075c300e72aad92fed



I’d say ok but I don’t want sloppy 134ths.


Are you asking? Or demanding?


Came here for the comments. Was not disappointed


Well… if you insist



I mean, if your offering

Sammy_girl21 gonna be popular at the holiday party tonight……


Sounds painful.

Posting after 2 years only to ask for a double dump pump is crazy!

Just the cookie,will pass on the rest![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)

Gees, at least let’s have some drinks first

Their regular Oreos are now pathetic…

Double stuffed are regular Oreos…

It’s sad.

if you insist

Literally and then the normal are now thins and thins are just 2 cookies

Maybe some other day, but i’ll have the cookie

This is why punctuation is important kids.

“That’s what she said “



Phrasing…. xD

I mean, sure, but it’s my turn after.

Double stuff is just regular stuff, and regular stuff is just thin stuff, and thin stuff shouldn’t exist.

Are we not doing phrasing anymore?

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