Down 2 with 10 seconds left: Joel Embiid passes on the wide open three and opts to drive into the paint, where he promptly turns it over.

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now thats what sixers basketball is all about

Dribble the ball off the back of his own head wtf lmao

Embiid, PG, and Maxey are all healthy and they are still losing to tanking teams. The title window is closed
(if it was ever open).

Wrong tank Embiid

Joel gets a lot of shit and sometimes I think it’s too much but this is fucking embarrassingly bad.

Ah yes a Ben Simmons lmfao

He wanted the refs to decide the game with a whistle. This is why he’s never winning shit.

This is gonna be an all time r/nba post. Fucking ridiculous sequence

At what point do you have serious conversations about trading embiid immediately this off-season for the best offer. Then trade maxey for a big haul. Have Paul George be tank commander?

Absolutely embarassing.

Bro had a open three but decided to get locked up and get the ball stolen by a guy named dick

Blud thinks it’s the playoffs already

This guy sucks lmfao. Him and PG are a match made in heaven

I’m so glad the home crowd booed him for that. What the fuck was he thinking. 

even tj mcconnell shoots that

Wtf. Was Embiid trying to foulbait? He realized you can’t foul bait if no one is around to foul him so he drove into players?

Joel just wanted to go have a shower and not go to OT

Embarrassing man. Shut this guy down for his own good.

Philly is haunted by the ghost of Simmons


He missed several easy shots before this too, what a terrible sequence LOL. Stinks that I can’t laugh too hard at the sixers because of the damn Eagles 😔

This is so embarrassing. Passing up a wiiide open 3 to try to bait a foul.

I couldn’t believe this happened.

Crazy choke from Embiid lmao


This is definitely the worst decision I’ve seen a player make live. Passing up an open 3 while down 2 with 10 seconds? To drive it into a wall of players? Then hitting yourself in the head with the basketball and turning it over?

This is the kind of play I’d make in my dreams.

Former MVP winner

Thank you Raptors sleeper agent Embiid

lmao couldn’t believe my eyes, he’s got to be doing this on purpose, what a bum

that’s my (pity) MVP!

Joel Emturndaballova

What a pathetic effort from a pathetic player

So washed up

Surprised he didn’t flop for a call


That was tuff lmao

When do they trade embiid

Mvpity strikes again

how they manage to lose at full strength vs the raptors playing 2-3 rookies the whole game

he 100% going for a bailout call there

Move the team to New Jersey

Bulls trying so hard to tank but may just get the 10th seed by default lmao

This is the man who fingers his butthole before every free throw and we’re surprised when he makes a silly play?

Can’t get free throws when you’re wide open lil bro


The boo’s right after just sealed the entire game for me

His eyes got big. He had a masterpiece flop and an all time great fake injury planned out. It’s a shame we didn’t get to see them.

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