Drone shot of a Pacific Palisades neighborhood

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I’ve lived in LA for 20+ years and this is light years beyond anything I’ve ever seen. It’s truly apocalyptic.

Wow. That’s Time Magazine photo worthy. Insane.

My stomach sinks when I see these pics. Hope everyone made it out 

I’m so intrigued by the way the houses are leveled but trees still stand

Unbelievable sight to see and I cannot imagine the loss

How did the fire start?

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My question is what is this building made of and why aren’t all the buildings made of this stuff?

I live just outside LA with hills all around and the same wind. This could have easily been us.. I need to review the insurance policy. 2025 sucks so far.

It reminds me of what happened in Maui.

That’s WW II firebombing bad. Wow.

I can’t even imagine what those folks are going through. I hope they were all able to evacuate.

We’ve seen these fires devastate smaller mountain towns, but it hits different to see it destroying a major city.

This is literally a nightmare.

Holy shit!

Incredible shot, but I have to be that guy. Please do not fly drones over or anywhere near any active fires. They have already had to down firefighting aircraft in the area due to drone activity

Just FYI to everyone here, when someone throws up a drone to take a photo or video all of the helicopters and other flying vehicles used to fight the fire get grounded for safety. It is highly illegal.

I used to live here when I was a kid. Crazy to see it like this

Kind of insane how many people’s lives are upended in each disaster, which are becoming way more frequent. Like 99% of Americans don’t even think about the Hawaii fire anymore, or any of the numerous hurricanes or any previous fires. It’s just a quick news blip for a few days and nothing in our lives change at all. Meanwhile tens of thousands of people keep having their entire livelihoods and communities demolished. We will never correctly address climate change because of this. It won’t happen. People have the critical thinking and memory of a rock and can’t think past fox news’ latest “scandal”. The one benefit to a country like China is the leadership can enact laws which are long term benefit for the climate. America will never make the climate progress we need. Neither will the rest of the world. So many people will be impacted in the future.

Looks like fallout

~~Where is this? This looks way too dense for Pacific Palisades, and also no hills.~~~ I was wrong, this is Pacific Palisades.

This isn’t interestingasfuck, it’s depressingasfuck.
If I didn’t look at the title I would have thought it was a photo of a war zone.


Wow. Looks a lot like Lahaina after their fire. Nothing has been re-built yet in Lahaina. Not one building permit has been approved. I hope Cali can do better.

It’s amazing there haven’t been more fatalities. Hope it stays that way.

This looks like those disaster movies were things start to became serious very fast. The last few years already had extreme weather events, I can only wonder what could happen on the next years.

Holy shit it looks like one of my old SimCity maps after a disaster wiped me all out


I thought this was a bomb levelled town from WW2 until I read the title

holy fuck, Biden better sign that FEMA authorization immediately or these people are going to be fucked

Insurance companies when it’s time to pay out…


You people use asphalt on your roofs don’t you?

Hawái all over again.

With those tariffs on Canadian lumber rebuilding is going to be pricey.

If the fire doesn’t kill you, the smoke from the burning home materials, vehicles, plastics, and fiberglass will most definitely cause cancer. Just look at how many cases of cancer occurred after 911.

Can’t wait to see the conspiracy theories that come from this….

Fuck! At the first moment, I thought it was Ukraine!!

1. I’m Australian, and this is absolutely terrifying in you’re “off” season for fires. I’m sorry for all those families.
2. STOP FLYING DRONES IN ACTIVE FIRE AREAS! It’s already reduced visibility and lower operating ceilings, you’ll kill pilots or ground planes that could save more homes.

I seriously hope you’re not flying a drone in the fire traffic area.

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