dude a batman villain

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Maybe the amount of debts He owned

He just killed the villain.

Buying insurance coverage with monopoly money does just as good as with real, they won’t cover your claims either way.

Oh fuck yes this just keeps getting more and more iconic. This motherfucker set out from day ONE to send a message and start a movement. Yes yes yes yes

They gotta stop with these updates before I fall in love.

Hey now, why do we finally get a good guy with a gun and they go and try to arrest him?

The new suspect


I wouldnโ€™t even be surprised if the shooter doesnโ€™t care if he gets caught.

100% this man lost his wife/child whatever because they got denied the care they payed insurance for.


I’m not saying people should do it, but it would be awful funny if Monopoly money got sent to every other insurance company

all the corporate media have been united in trying to tut-tut the commoners for rooting for the assassin.ย 

i really hope Hollywood is stupid enough to release a Batman movie that tries to do the same…

Nope, he is โ€œV for Vandetaโ€

This documentary in a few years is going to go so hard

It’s all fun and games until you lose at monopoly and shoot someone

A smile like catwoman, elusive like the riddler, and accoutrements like the joker.

And he shot the penguin.

It wasn’t his backpack, the straps are the wrong color.

The hit was paid for by Rich Uncle Pennybags.

its not a facepalm

more like r/madlads


CEOs, do not pass Go.

I think the cops have brought a bag of marbles to compete in a world chess championship.

‘Americans mailing unmarked envelopes of Monopoly money to insurance company CEOs for Christmas’ has a fun ring to it

Scrooge didn’t change until he faced the ghost of the present and learned to humble himself.

When he gets caught safe to say there will be crowds cheering him on at his perp walk .

Villian? Nah. Red Hood more like since Batman doesn’t use guns and actually gave the bad guy what he deserved

Dude might be the spark that brings on more vigilante justice….

Monopoly isn’t a game you play with yourself is it? You pack light for a trip to do an assassination and, of course, you throw in Monopoly money with that change of socks, of course you do.

I can’t know for 100% sure that this was left as a message, only 99% sure. I almost feel sorry for the police having to report this like they found evidence someone didn’t leave on purpose.

I’m sure they’ll be getting the delivery list for the backpack manufacturer and looking at everyone who purchased one. That might be a lead… “Number 10 Downing Street in England? Well this narrows things down.” Of course, maybe stick with the theme “It was delivered to Reading Railroad — Watson, the plot thickens!”

The monopoly money is exactly how much the procedure that was denied his loved one was. Bet.

The maddest of lads

I figured he’d change his jacket. This was well thought out but I don’t think he expected his face to be on TV. I would have thought he’d burn his backpack as well because there are too much risk of genetic material on or in the backpack.

I’d say AI would have matched his face down to a few thousand people by now. Then, you just have to look for motive and background information.

How much Monopoly money is the question.. I wonder if that amount will tell us a little more on motive?

I am certain that the Corporate Overlords will never allow our hero the CEO Slayer to be taken alive much less have a trial. The Overlords are not going to want to give our Hero a podium to give their story. The police have probably been given orders to shoot on-site. The Police Union is the only union the Corporate Greed machine will allow since they need a legal armed group to enforce the Corporate Overlords agenda. To show I do not condone violence I agree with some other Redditors that we should put all CEOs into a submarine until we know it is safe. I am sure there is another millionaire who has built a sub that should be safe for all the CEOs

This man could inspire a Batman movie at this point.


Canโ€™t wait for this movie/tv show in 2028

Take notes incels; wealth hoarding CEOs > children/general public

Hero. ftfy OP.

I’m so conflicted.

He needs a non-de plume. Any ideas?

Would have been fun being a fly on the wall when the senior NYPD officers were told about the Monopoly money and how they were going to have to give a press conference to annouce it

He could have gotten away with it. Unfortunately, he left too many cookie crumbs and they will track him down using family DNA obtained from his backpack and the contents.

Considering they found the backpack after the 2nd (3rd?) sweep of the park, I can’t believe its the actual backpack. Somebody else (possible The Guy himself) planted it and is having a good time trolling the officials. I anticipate other evidence trolling to pop up as well.

And The Guy clearly planned this out and then some. I can’t tell if he’s wearing latex gloves, but there is no way he went through all of that to end up failing to stick the landing and leave the murder weapon laying around to be found with his prints all over it. Nope, that gun is in pieces scattered around NYC, headed for a landfill, or at the bottom of the East River.

Why would the gun be in there? Is there any info suggesting this was a novice?


The plot thickens. This is definitely a batman villain.

Villain? Dudes a fucking hero. The United CEO killed far more people.



Everyone on Reddit said itโ€™s impossible for him to have two jackets though

Our first true super villain or anti-hero (like the Punisher). What would his super villain name be? Mr. Monopoly (Iโ€™m bad at names, that a little too on the nose).

I fucking love this level of accountability for being a shit human at the expense of other humans. Money is a disgusting drug and holds a thin layer of power. It means nothing when you have pissed off the right person.

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