During the Beijing Olympics, a 9-year-old girl who sang a patriotic song at the opening ceremony, was revealed to be lip-syncing. The real singer was a 7-year-old girl who was kept backstage, because she was considered not. good looking enough and that might’ve damaged China’s image.

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WTF. I hope that little girl didn’t have her confidence absolutely decimated. What a cruel thing to do

The mentality is insane theyโ€˜re just kids dammit

INFO: This incident occurred during the 2008 Beijing Olympics opening ceremony. The 9-year-old girl, Lin Miaoke, was seen singing โ€œOde to the Motherlandโ€ on stage, but it was later revealed that she was lip-syncing to the voice of 7-year-old Yang Peiyi.

This switch was reportedly made because Yang Peiyi was deemed not visually appealing enough for the ceremony, and the organizers wanted to present a more polished image.

This incident sparked controversy and debate about the ethics of the decision and the importance of appearance over talent.

lol this is what damaged Chinaโ€™s image?

Well, that backfired. Image has been damaged. Not to mention long before this lol.

I find it so odd when governments, even companies, do things like this. Do they really think this stuff never gets out? THIS damaged their image far more than if they would’ve just let the little girl show up and sing. Could’ve avoided that whole controversy.

The main reason was her teeth did not line up properly. They wanted her to adjust teeth. But parents refused because it was not good to adjust teeth for a 7 years old. Good news was that she was able to enjoy her normal childhood and grew up into a wonderful woman.

Which one did they think wasnโ€™t pretty? They both are cute little girls.

Yang Peiyi/ Camellia has a Bilibili(Chinese Youtube) and still sings. Here she is today.

Apparently she speaks English too, graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Sang the opening to a kids show called Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf.

Sheโ€™s adorable. Viewers would have been happy to see her

Anyone else having Deja vu?

I canโ€™t tell which one they went with and which one they hid away. They look like normal little girls to me

Now that is now damaging their image, nobody wouldโ€™ve looked at the little girl and derive anything I guess.. ๐Ÿ˜…

I would just Blame It On The Rain

in 2012 London Olympics Queen Elizabeth didn’t jump from helicopter with a parachute, it’s her stunt double who jump

What exactly is China’s image? I’ve never seen it as a bastion of freedom and just society.

Iโ€™m Asian and whats wrong with Asians.

Lol fuck China

There is an Asian film about similar story.

okay that has officially made me mad.

They used to do this a lot in their dramas btw, an actor is playing but they are using another person voice. I was a bit stunned, why would you do this. I watched recently a drama with an actress I like and didnโ€™t recognize her voice because now it was her real voice while in the previous drama I saw with her her voice was dubbed

Which ones suppose to be the uglier one?

Interesting or just sad?

Classic beauty privilege.


China goes brrrrr

Now thatโ€™s damn interesting.

Girl you know it’s true…

No argument that the nine year old is adorable but obviously so is the seven year old. I hope they both grow up with confidence. What a shitty situation they were put in.

I think she just has baby teeth… because she’s 7. The nine year old has her adult teeth. Big whoop.
The audience would have been more impressed the the younger girl, and appreciated an honest performance.

China must be pretty insecure, if they feel the need to do this.

That’s downright American of them.

Milli Vanilli 2.0: Blame it on the Face.

Doing stuff like this is what really damages their image

She looks adorable. This is too insane.

What is this, Singinโ€™ in the Rain?

What in the actual fxck man

they’d definitely never choose the pretty girl in the west /s

real issue: unused to an active media, someone thought they could get away with the lip synching undetected.

iirc they received lot of criticism domestically for this and people involved lost job over this also.

This is no different from dubbing the voice of Darth Vader who was voice by James Earl Jones while the character was portrayed in costume by David Prowse

Doesn’t surprise me.

China is so evil, their culture is just so unfair, unlike in America which is so amazing where little girls who are SA and get pregnant canโ€™t get an abortion, and if she has a miscarriage there is nothing they can do to take it out so she dies, then her family gets a hospital bill and a police visit for manslaughter

The utter irony of thinking that showing a girl with slightly wonky teeth will damage your countryโ€™s image more so than acting like a slimy little deceiving rat scumbag on the world stage

Milli, is that vanilli?

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