Early access games lol

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Golden rule for early access games: only buy it if it’s currently in a state you want to play it in

Someone once called me the r slur for being skeptical about Kerbal Space Program 2 because “ItS eArLy AcCeSs”

Now the developers shut down and it’s permanently unfinished

Who’s laughing now, lol

Satisfactory? Subnautica? Hades?

Who would’ve thought that getting early access to a game means you get access to an unfinished product?. Crazy concept.

Then you have PoE 2, not released yet, about to get Early Access, but it has as much content as any released game.

Oh and there still isn’t everything, it’s missing half the campaign and a few classes.

They were worried there wouldn’t be enough endgame content and shifted all their staff to it. Now there’s almost too much stuff for something that will be EA.

And it will be F2P after EA is over, and they give EA keys if you already spent a certain amount in PoE.

Devs, be like PoE.

Eh. Sometimes theyre ultrakill.

A good rule, if the developer has been successful in the past, it might be possible that the early access game gets finished. If the developer is new, it’s very possible they will cancel development.

Of course this is not always true but I would rather trust a developer who has portfolio behind them, than one who does not have anything to show

Except for PoE2.

Everybody in the comments raving about POE2 lmao, all y’all convincing me to try it out

Project zomboid

Except Hades 2

Valheim 🙁

What about Satisfactory?

Early access enabled a lot of games that never would have been made to be made. You definitely run the risk of the scenario in the OP, but if you go into the purchase knowing you could be buying it as is I don’t see the issue. Uktrakill is one of the best games I’ve ever played and Gloomwood is a fuckin banger.

It doesn’t matter how good a game’s early access might be, I’ll never play it until it is finished. My interest in the game will not stick around long enough to then come back for 1.0, and then I’ve essentially missed out on the game when it’s at it’s best.

PoE 2 gang rise up

The Day Before be like:

Maybe path of exile 2 will change it

looking at Amid evil, Dusk, Nightmare reaper, Prodeus, ion fury Gloomwood (still in ea), HROT Risk of rain 2 and those i bought recently that are in EA…

i mean i spend money on EA and got gold anyways…

Just like farts in the wind .

And then you pay full price for it and you don’t get full game also with bugs. 

Tags be like: Survival, Multiplayer, Crafting, Zombies

*BeamNG enters the chat*

Meanwhile PoE 2 releasing with more content than all other ARPGs (except PoE) in its early access lmao.

literallu every ubisoft game

I don’t know about that, I played unturned when it was in early access and it was extremely fun but I think it depends on the game really.

And then there’s PoE2.

Well, derail valley just got a massive update since february and it has been in early access for 2 years by now (iirc). Hopefully the devs (who seem really passionate about the game) will be able to finish it to their liking

If broken arrow went into early access I’m buying immediately

Nah this is just full releases nowadays

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Honestly I feel like in the modern day. This is a triple, a game and early access game is a full experience.

This post has to be bait.

Like, bro.

Path of Exile(played it WAY BACK WHEN)
Dead Cells
Risk of Rain 2
Deep Rock Galactic
Gunfire Reborn

Though really. I could go on, but this thread is just to stir up salt and nothing else.

Not PoE 2

Main reason why I always wait for the full release and never buy early access

My main problem with early access is that I’m not sure if they’re actually going to finish the game. So I usually just wishlist them and wait for a full release.

Early Access games can earn a wishlisting from me, but they go all the way at the *end* of my wishlist, *behind* the games that have no release at all yet. They don’t move to the *front end*, where it’s actually eligible for me to purchase it, until it hits 1.0.


I dont buy EA games. Between the fact i have a very hard time playing a game more than once and the fact gaming is just becoming dull to me it just became pointless to me. It also does have a double edge affect on the market 

Path of Exile 2 Joins the conversation to show what a team of devs is capable of, passion can do beautiful things.

It’s better to have upfront heads up if the game is in early acess state (and it might be cheaper when it gets release) then without having any heads up that the game is in early access state which costs full price.

Too early

Battle Bit remastered, sadly 😮‍💨

Satisfactory early access was a pretty well built.

DRG started a bit barebones, but after a few updates, it was one of my favorites.

It’s why I refuse to buy a game that has “early access” as a tag. I can wait.

Satisfactory. Thats how you do early access.

Let’s be real. Most AAA games release like this too now

AAA games too

ive brought about 6 early access games and all have worked out great. A few are some of the greatest!
Subnautica, satisfactory, sons of the forest, yet another zombie survival game.

Meanwhile deadlock, which is in “alpha” is basicaly The full bridge(with *some* isues tho) at this point and its considered “unfinished” because there are no statues.

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