Eat The Rich… Stop Consuming

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We need to re-read our Thoreau. What if the middle class stopped paying taxes?

Btw, the difference between 74 billion and a trillion is about a trillion

what level of stockholm syndrome are the bootlickers on when they have a problem with the idea of taxing these bastards to oblivion

These men deserve nothing at all until the People are free.

I’ve purchased just one gift for the holidays, and it was a newborn kit for someone expecting a baby. 

Everything else I’ve made or thrifted.

Don’t use Facebook, cut back on shopping for the necessities. Will grow food next year. 

Highly recommend anyone who can to invest in 5 gallon jugs of water, keep enough supplies of nonperishable good for as long as you can (dry grains, rice, canned food). Learn how to make a solar oven. 

Prepare for lean times, because not only are they manufacturing a crisis (they’re openly blasting about it) but they are going to bring austerity measures to accelerated people in desperation turning on each other. Don’t let their tactics work.

Reminder that 1% of the US has at least 40% of the total wealth in the country.

Define “Tax” People keep ignoring the details. Also, “Fair Share”.

I am pro taking the obscene wealth of these people too. I just think we should do it by taxing the loans they take based on their wealth collateral, hiking up the inheritance tax to everything above 100 million dollars gets taken, and deleting citizens united.

But what I see everyday is people saying to tax income and rich need to pay their fair share. Which sounds nice but is stupid as shit and means nothing.

If you want to hurt these guys, reform Wall Street and the SEC.

All of their wealth is on paper, almost none of it is actual liquid capital. When you have so much stock/money that you can singlehandedly move the entire stock market and topple the economy, much of what you demand to be done has to be done. That’s not a democracy; that’s an oligarchy.


I made a mistake and owe 23k in back taxes. I own nothing and they want to take everything from me and I’ll prolly spend the rest of my life trying to pay off this debt while the interest sores. Nothing in life to look forward too. Trillionairs lmao

A lot of people may mention that this net worth is mostly because of stocks…

…which brings us to another great idea: bust up their monopolized companies and bring that worth down a zero or 2 (hopefully 2 zeros).

Also, support unions! They negotiate better pay dispensation for their workers from a position of strength (the only way to keep profits from increasing the wealth gap to begin with). 

I’m not into no class hierarchy, but what we do have needs to raise the bottom up and pull down the top. 

Never mind tax. Eat the rich and redistribute their wealth

That’s why they purchased the election and are making political decisions about the lives of citizens that they were not elected to make.

Put your phones down on the 24th and 25th. There is a data strike happening on those two days.

No one needs that much money. Absolutely no one. #EATTHERICH

This is the only thing we can do. Stop overconsuming…

Thoughts and prayers for the middle class.

What’s wild is that the main Zuckerberg product, Facebook and Instagram (or “meta” if we must), are actually free for us to use. How does dude make money without a tangible product that he sells to us schleps?

Also, we can stop consuming the very specific, easily assumed products from them, but they still make money off us due to the way theses businesses run. It’s like trying to avoid Blackrock, but they technically own almost everything tangible we use.

Redistribute the wealth

This baffles me, why do we worry. At some point they will become The Farmers Almanac, Montgomery Ward or Studebaker, Duesenburg or any other list you want. Their wealth is because of the value we assign to their companies. The next big thing comes along, their share price drops and they aren’t on the list.

Do you guys understand the difference between net worth and income?

No. End billionaires. Cap wealth.

tax them to what end? Just so you can fund trump’s government? you’re not going to see a penny of benefit from it. you aren’t being helped because the government can’t afford it. You aren’t being helped because the government doesn’t care about you.

The economic system is completely broken. Going from $74 billion to a trillion in 12 years is INSANITY and should be seen as proof that what we’re doing isn’t working

Time for some Luiginomics!

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