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Even included a period.

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“Happy Contain Egg, honey!”

“Oh, you remembered!”

This is misunderstanding.

The cake doesn’t contain egg, it is containing the EGG.

I can’t even imagine the horrors of what would happen if someone would dare to release the egg.

it’s an order, do it

The egg must be contained at all costs!

The egg has breached containment

Don’t worry, it gains $3 of sell value every round, so you can either make more money off of it or have it synergize with swashbuckler or ceremonial dagger

I’m no baker, but what cakes don’t have egg in them?

Most efficient SCP containment method:

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I had asked for ‘extra frosting’…

So eleggantly written!


I just love indian straightforwardness.

Each time a foreigner orders non-spicy food it will be hot as hell but almost tastless. Beware of your wishes.

It’s the period for me 🤣

The egg has been contained

This seems more like a directive than an ingredient warning.


*if not trans, are now, so sayeth the cake*

Well did you tip them at least? Smh

You have your orders

He mentioned it I don’t see what the issue is🥸


My Odyssey of the Mind team baked an egg into a cake to drop it from 20 feet to see if it survived. Neither the egg nor the cake made it.

Why would a cake not have egg in it?..


Swirls the white frosting and chocolate toppings or frosting

The cake contains an scp named egg


Eat pant.

Must Contain Egg. They’re out of control

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This post has been commandeered by THE EGGMAN EMPIRE

Only one egg?

Isn’t traditional cake basically sweet egg foam?

I love cake wrecks.

Just need to add, “Please mention if the cake contains egg” is already the dumbest order details instruction

The fuck is Swiggy

Well it is a cake so yes it does contain eggs.

Six raw eggs on top, behind the icing, is a plot surprise.

Or they ordered the cake and put “Contain egg.” For the writing to make a funny meme. Maybe, maybe not. Idk, I just don’t take much at face value on the net anymore

Some people have stupid.

Wouldn’t they have told it contains eggs before sending it?

Is it just me, or is the lighting on the words “contain egg” overly saturated?

What are the chances this is AI generated?

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