elderly women swooning over trump.

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The years and years of hair bleach and blond dye has surely done some damage to the senses.

and it probably hasn’t helped those ladies either.

So much “I wanna talk to the manager” energy in that group

lady in red *really* wants to change his diaper.


They travel to his rallies and they’re form the same North Carolina church.


They all lead the MLM in their area.

Morons, all of them

It’s absolutely baffling

I would personally pay to have this thread shown to these women just so they know they were assessed publicly as elderly.

The woman in black on the far right—our right—is the most disconcerting. Zoom in and see the reverence in her eyes and the deference in her demeanour. She looks like she’s gazing at her god.

If they identify as Christians, please note that this is flagrant idolatry.


What a bunch of cunts

How sad is your life when the sight of Trump is the only thing that gets you moist. The real irony being, he wouldn’t give any of them a second look.

funny… they look rather similar to the young women screaming vulgarities at the young black woman trying to go to school at the end of segregation.

A Sewer of Karens to use the correct taxonomy.

The one in red kinda looks like him

If one of them shouts ASSEMBLE they all merge into a giant Donald Trump in drag and head to the local McDonalds, where they remove the roof to devour the contents within.

That bunch is so dense it’s almost forming a black hole.

Why do women swoon over an abjudicated sex offender? It is disheartening and gross.

That’s his league if he weren’t (allegedly) rich

As a Dane, this picture feels more American than an eagle in a McDonald’s on top of the star spangled banner.

Give them a bone to gnaw their rat like teeth on.

The worst part of this adulation is that he probably find them disgusting himself, which says a lot considering the character.

Big Red looks Hongry.

Dolores Umbridge vibes.


A brigade of Karens.

‘Strip me of my rights, daddy!’ Karen Klub Kult, probably.

Is this from an snl skit?

Alternative caption: “This is what a generation of lead poisoning looks like”

The real victims are their grandchildren who didn’t get birthday cards with a crisp $10 bill in it because they gave it to this grifter.

Really seeing the consequences of decades of lead poisoning I think :/

Donald is the ultimate Karen.

There’s always awful red lipstick, bottle blonde hair and pearls. I swear lol

“tread on me harder daddy”

He likes them a bit younger.

Shared hair color? 100%. Shared negative empathy for those not of their ilk? 100%

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