Elf’s disappointment is immeasurable and her day is ruined

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She just needed a reason to stand outside his window

Iโ€™m going to end every meal with โ€œEnough Munchinโ€™ , me holeโ€™s waitinโ€™ now.โ€ Talk about a double meaning

Ah yes Tonnin Seteli Elf, absolute perfection
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Her mind says no, but her stomach says yes. The subtle dance of these two forced leaves her subconscious mind in a trance.

It was a thousand bill

One of my favorite tropes or gags is that humans make the best food.

Like it’s such a funny way to stand out compared to other sentient beings in a setting but also makes humans kind of cool too.

This elf suffers from burgerline humanality disorder

Se oli tonnin seteli


The mind says betrayal, but the stomach yearns for burger

The infinite level of betrayal. Will this lead to introspection, or, more likely, a dead eyed stare for an entire week as her mind violently suppresses the notion that human can do good.

To slightly misquote SpongeBob, โ€œYou like Krabby Patties, donโ€™t you Elf?โ€

For the non finns: The face is a direct reference to a classic finnish meme “tonnin seteli” or in english “a thousand (markka(currency used in finland before euro)) bill”. Its part of a sketch where a person goes to a cafe to buy coffee and gives a thousand bill to the cashier so they could buy coffee expecting the cashier to give the rest back but he doesnt and just keeps all the money. When confronted by the customer the cashier doesnt move or say anything and just makes this face while staring into empty space untill the customer gives up and leaves


She definitely picked that burger up and at it like Squidward after they left

You might have broken the elf

Iโ€™m surprised that she would prefer the dwarf to have made it.

It took you so long to draw that one hyperrealistic face you said โ€œscrew it, copy pasteโ€ and I appreciate that lolย 

It’s like you told Hank Hill the burger was grilled with charcoal.



They aren’t digging anything, human is just gonna go wild on the dwarfs asshole. Elf will be so sad when she finds out.

Guess hamburgers set off her Humanphobia in her now

I just wanna say Merrivius, and I know a lot of people have said it already, but I freaking love your comics. I started out hating Elf but I love how derp they are so very very much. Thank you for this. ๐Ÿ˜€

Se oli tonnin purilainen…

Is there any comic better than what Merrivius created?!
It’s always such a pleasure to see new ones. I’m amazed by the art style and the humor! Long live Merrivius

lmfao ๐Ÿ˜‚

She’s going to bring the human back to the elves to cook for them all and they’re all going to think humans food is Barbaric and make fun of her aren’t they

The most disturbing face yet

Wake up joseph

Wake up Joseph


I love humanโ€™s little bye to the dwarf. He really is a sweetheart.

“Ach, enough munchin’. Me hole’s waitin’!”

That’s what my last date said.

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