Elmo doing Elmo things

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There was a thread with about two dozen comments but it’s gone now. And they love free speech apparently.

Conservatives are excusing, justifying and downplaying this.

They banned my post when i posted about this.

They’re not even hiding it anymore.

Not too long ago I was told I was crazy when I said if he was given the chance Elmo’s death camps would be huge.

Now a month or so later he’s gone full Nazi.

If you support this shit you might want to ask yourself, how sure are you that you and those you care about are “one of the good ones, and how long will that last?

is r/Conservative a real place.. and if so.. how pathetic?

EDIT: I really wish I wouldn’t have seen this. 

I imagine their response will follow these lines:

A) claim it’s out of context until shown the context
B) claim it was mistake, until shown he repeated the gesture towards Trump backstage
C) claim they are reclaiming the roman salute from the nazis, and will start calling it the Space Patriot Salute.
D) proceed to do the Space Patriot Salute to each other to own the libs.

They will just claim that this is the Bellamy salute, which was common in American schools until the damn socialists under Roosevelt banned it in 1942… this is just a return to traditional American values, and has nothing at all to do with the Roman salute (Nazi salute)

Then they will come up with some small bullshit about how the two are different, because for one you tuck in the thumb and the other you don’t or some small-fry shit, and accuse you of having Trump Derangement Syndrome..

I assume when that crowd does talk about it, it will be gaslighting in the form of ‘It is not what it looks like. Your eyes are lying to you, again.’ They have no shame.

Now they have to have the reputation of being a Nazi sub. Womp womp

Conservatives be like saying nazis are left wing then defending any nazi doing nazi stuff

The conservative subreddit went from “trump won’t end birthright citizenship he’s just joking”


“Guys how awesome is it that they are gonna end birthright citizenship go trump!”

Right wingers are claiming it’s him messaging he is thanking people “from his heart” and that he has autism so he might not know how it looks, but also his audio was cut, so he had to indicate “from his heart” physically.But you know….you could hear his chest slap, and his grunt…

Honestly- I think he is trying to be edgy, trying to be talked about.

Also he’s a cunt

Really, really horrifying.

They’re busy furiously refreshing their google search to see if Trump’s lowered the age of consent yet.

and he looks like the cheap knock off from China…

When conservatives talk about Freeze Peach they mean to be Racist without anyone calling them out

Not really a conservative but I’m definitely not liberal and I just…idk it looks awful the media better force him to explain himself in excruciating detail and not let him get away with pulling a stunt like that. He better have a damn good reason because I can’t think of any reason someone who is sane would do that on stage in front of the nation at a presidential inauguration. Wildly inappropriate. Like he whipped out his hot dog and peed into the crowd.

He’s a half wit! 🤪

They’re already diluting this by trying to claim it was supposed to be a gesture ‘from his heart’ or some shit.

Expect some major news from the Trump admin or Tesla itself to try and cover it up within the next few days.

Well I guess it’s time I get myself banned from /r/conservative. Anyone else wanna post this there with me?

Elon is a fucking Nazi

See what you did, trumpers?

Actually this was not invented by Hitler and the ancient romana used it. It was called roman greeting!!!!
So it’s totally different!!

…or so I was told by an Mosk-cultist.

I don’t know about you. 40 years on this planet. And I can type perfectly fine one-handed 🥲😏

Fox news edited the saluted … replaced with a crowd shot. Elon posted Fox Wes edited version


There was a thread in r/conservative but they deleted it. It was full of people calling it fake news. Not that he didn’t do the salute, but that he’s autistic so he was just spazzing out and the left is making a big deal of nothing again.

They straight ban you for posting about it over on /r/elonmusk

Reich-wingers are twisting themselves into the shape of a pretzels to defend their oligarch. Pathetic, these “people”.

Lol this is what the majority of Americans vote for, let them have him

Ayo someone try to post this there and see what happens.

What are you talking about? They posted about it an hour ago…

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