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How empty does your life have to be to write Elon fanfiction? (I’m assuming some real people are doing it as well)

He strikes me as a guy who masturbates in front of a mirror.

Oh don’t post that on twitter he’ll ban you, ya know, cause of how much he supports free speech


Apparently that’s how hard billionaires work. He musK not have much running of companies to do…

So is there… Musk/Trump slashfic?

He’s been living in a k-hole for a long time

If he had shame he would be so embarrassed. I know I would.

HFS this mans brain is so emotionally stunted and pathetic

Such a loser.

Elon is a sad little nazi with an inferiority complex and a rich daddy.

That’s just so sad.

Elon is a tumor in the human race.

Does he also need AI to help him put pine cones up his turn flume?

Now this makes all kinds of sense. Musk is basically crazy. Having actual multiple personalities would be about the most normal thing for that asshole.

Plot twist: Elon Musk is actually ChatGPT’s self-insert OC, and we’re all living in his fanfic.

50 shades of orange. A love story.

Huge if true.

Have y’all not realized how fucking fragile elon is?

This can’t be true.  

LOL, at the very LEAST it means he reads Elmo fanfic if he’s not the one creating it.

I’m sat. I wanna know how deep this rabbithole goes.

If this is true, I feel a little bad for Musk. He’s 100% a scum of the earth asshole but this is just sad. Parents didn’t raise him right, plus he’s got serious problems upstairs. Guy was screwed the moment he was born.

Also just goes to show that money doesn’t fix everything.

Musk sure is a thinned skinned little bitch.

this is getting sadder by the minute

He’s using this to distract from the H1B drama and it’s working.

Almost forgot, president Musk does not approve of this post.

Elon Musk fanfic??????

Maybe he reads the fanfic about himself and named the alt account after the character?

At this point I wouldn’t be surprised by that anymore.

Or he’s reading fanfic about himself. Which is also pretty sad.

That seems a bit far fetched even for Musk. That being said, I can’t say that I would be horribly shocked

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