Elon being the “smartest man” is literally the worst joke

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People in this country worship his (and anyone’s) “net worth” over actual intellect, character, or societal contributions.

Elon Musk is an idiots idea of a smart man.

Having money does not make someone smart. It just means they have more money than us regular schmucks and it’s a reminder that life isn’t fair.

I work in transport planning. When he said that traffic could be solved by slightly smaller car tunnels carrying vehicles connected to each other, I knew he was full of shit.

“America first”

*Cuts funding for kids with cancer*

It’s just him praising him self under another name 😂😂

Not my quote, but sums him up perfectly:

“He talked about electric cars. I don’t know anything about cars, so when people said he was a genius I figured he must be a genius.

Then he talked about rockets. I don’t know anything about rockets, so when people said he was a genius I figured he must be a genius.

Now he talks about software. I happen to know a lot about software & Elon Musk is saying the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard anyone say, so when people say he’s a genius I figure I should stay the hell away from his cars and rockets.”

the smartest man on earth, teaming up with a very stable genius. can’t wait to see their babies

Ong I gotta be smarter than Elon and that ain’t much of a flex

Y’all are banging on about Leon’s intelligence, but I can’t get over that dude saying Noel’s “America First”.

Motherfucker is “me first and fuck the rest of y’all”, same as Trump and, tellingly, most of the GOP.

Joseph – keep sucking on Eons cock, it might be worth it

It reminds me of Brady Hartsfield from the Mr. Mercedes books by SK. In his mind he was a genius but really he just warped the narrative to fit his agenda. He was an average guy with no soul and filled with hatred helped by his horrible mother.

Hurr durr rockets = smart.

I have a sneaking suspicion this person  would call the movie “Hidden Figures” (the movie about  the black women instrumental to NASA’s early successes) ‘liberal woke bullshit’

He IS NOT the smartest man on earth … his *engineers and science professionals* are. Musk has ironclad NDAs with every single person of influence in his companies.

I wonder at what point they can get out from under those NDAs, if ever, and share with the public/NASA/academia *their* brilliance.

*Those* are the people I want to hear from.

But he is giving £100m to Farage – sorry the Reform Party

Oh – hang on – see your point

Nobody has pointed out also that he isn’t America first. He’s Elon first

i guess the label ‘america first’ means more than the actions people with the label take .. i wish the people voting for these dudes were smart enough to follow their policies and the affect they have on the nation. elon means to cut a few trillion from the budget.. where’s that coming from? also the privatization of govt. entities is a huge concern.. USPS Inc. ?? where their known goal is to increase stock price? yeah that’ll fix it.

Every single thing Elon has been successful at has been something created by someone else. His own contributions amount to renaming things to dumb shit, like Twitter to X or his kids to something that sounds like programming code.

the only “smart” thing he is capable of doing is seeing an innovative or profitable company and then having the idea to buy it so he can rewrite history and trick people into thinking he created it in the first place. and that isn’t even really so much smarts as is it being shameless and rich.

Engineer here.

Every single time Elon speaks about one of my areas of expertise he either says the most obvious thing any “tech-bro” type says, or he says something quite silly (not completelly stupid, but always showing ignorance on the topic).

You guys just like the myth of an autistic genius. But that was just a movie.

I would like to point out that even that little sissy jump he did the first time he was on stage with Trump was stolen from the intro to the Mary Tyler Moore show.

Dude can’t even come up with an authentic sissy jump

This has become a personal copypasta of mine. Tom Mueller is the engineering father of the rockets people are crediting to Musk. Gwynne Shotwell is the President of SpaceX and was the leader in place for the reuseable rockets and the private space launches. The Falcon1 was under her leadership, not his. Musk’s money was his contribution to the effort.

Tesla was the creation of Marc Tarpenning and Martin Eberhard. Jeff Straubel was the visionary behind their battery technology. Musk, again, was a bank account, not an innovator. And Tesla under his “leadership” has produced increasingly problematic vehicles that are continuously recalled for safety issues and also just plain bricking for no reason.

Starlink: Larry Williams and Greg Wyler with Musk’s money.

PayPal: Max Levchin, Peter Thiel, and Luke Nosek, Musk takes credit.

OpenAI: Greg Brockman and Sam Altman with Musk’s money.

Twitter: Do I even need to address the hellhole he has created out of the rubble of the company he, again, did not create but simply bought?

Elon Musk does not invent things. He funds or buys things other people invented and puts his name on them. The last thing he actually built with his own hands was the code for Zip2 and that was 30 years ago.

He’s a businessman. And a shrewd one, I’ll give him that. He knows which numbers to bet on the roulette wheel. But that doesn’t make him an innovator, a visionary, an inventory, or any of the other mythological hype he’s expertly crafted for himself. There have been literal lawsuits about that.

His superpower is marketing and primarily marketing himself.

Only stupid people think he’s smart.

He joined what would eventually become Paypal and was known for attempting to talk the company out of going the direction that Paypal went. He purchased Tesla then forced out the original owners.

What has he done to make him the “smartest man on Earth?”

Poor r-tarded people think rich people are rich because they are smart. Money = intelligence.

Never seen or read anything from him that would make me believe he is very intelligent

Just get off Twitter seriously I ditched it three years ago and I don’t miss it at all

Can we add incitement to terrorism to the list as well?

In American,
Money = Smart,
Ignorance = intelligence,
and if you have those two qualities you can become President

Telsa just recalled 700k cars lol. Yea he is smart…

I hate Elon but this is a pretty weak murder… pretty generic insult.

I don’t care for the guy either but this isn’t a worthy submission to this sub.

What kind of fucking moron thinks Elon is America first lol he doesn’t give a shit about anyone on this planet besides himself. Not America, not trump, not even his kids.

They should make a superman movie where Lex Luthor is like that. Super rich, have companies and infrastructure to support his grandiose plans and he is like a superhuman being because he can *buy* anything…. then get ripped off of all that and it turns out he is just an average joe who is completely lost without his usual money reserves.

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