Elon brags and gets hit with a history lesson burn

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Me guess it’s a very old message “Twitter “instead of “X” is my clue.

Why does he keep calling it Twitter?

This is like years old.

Must be all the reports of broken down cyber trucks. 🤣🤡

I mean – what good use is bragging about traffic if you can’t monetize it? It would be like Wicked bragging that they were the most pirated movie this year.

What is this Twitter of which he speaks?

I used to know a Twitter. It died. We buried it. Now, only an X marks the spot.

Musk, if you need the stock of Tesla or Twitter to have a boost, UHC went up almost 10% after you know what.

And the bot ratio just keeps climbing but I’m sure it’s unrelated

I don’t believe him

Tomorrow it is my turn to repost this.

The millions of bots he created to follow him got orders to make noise? Cool.

Things tend to be brighter if you set it on fire.

Thats a clever come back? Lmao

With that many bots I’d be worried If twitter *wasn’t* at an all-time high in “users”.

We can safely retire this “comeback” I feel. While clever, it did not age well

History really does have a way of repeating itself, just with better WiFi…

Yeah the only problem with that reply is that Nero was not in Rome when Rome burned, Nero Was in Antium 55 km (33 miles) south of Rome

When Nero returned to the city he took measures to bring in food supplies and to open gardens and public buildings to accommodate refugees.

So there is no history burn here, its just two people who don’t know history

How is that a clever comeback? Is Twitter usage high because someone destroyed it?

This is sad…

slow news day, digging up historical records for hater boy fix

I’m sorry I don’t think this burn really works.

Couldn’t you find any older comebacks?

There’s nothing clever about that. If the stars are true, then the ‘comeback’ makes no sense.

Roman Empire still lasts about 500 years after that fire

Sick burn

This post is older than X. This was barely clever 3 years ago

Those Russian bot accounts must be working overtime

So many vatniks and bots

Isn’t it called X? Lmfao

Nice try with the burn, but it fizzles out: Nero was emperor in 68 AD, and Rome hit its peak in 117 AD. Despite his idiosyncrasies, under Nero, Rome was still on the rise.

Bad thread. Not only is the comeback lame, but the fact that this screenshot is so old that even Elon was calling it “Twitter”, and it still hasn’t “burned like Rome” to this day, is a self-defeating irony.

The slop that gets upvoted here, I swear.

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