Elon getting shit from astronauts was not on my 2025 bingo card. But then again he did attack another astronaut.

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Elon argues like a 7 y.o

Heโ€™s gonna accuse them all of being pedos in 3, 2, 1โ€ฆ

I’m honestly shocked anyone can stand this pasty tweaker. Trump has no patience for anyone but somehow still lets Elon’s tiny human shield wipe boogers on the Resolute Desk… I have to wonder how long his “friendship” with Elon will last.

Elon getting absolutely cooked by his betters, by the people he probably most wishes he was like, but will never actually BE like, is poetry.

Elon you are a fucking joke of a man. No amount of money can fix it. Youโ€™re justโ€ฆlesser than. Pathetic, really.

he found 1 slur he can use without backlash and can’t stop saying it

Cholesterol, you are not doing your goddamn job

Elon: “my biggest dream is to go to mars!!”

Also Elon: “all astronauts are retarded”

He has completely lost it.

Iโ€™ve been saying for ages that Elon is scared of going up in a rocket. Every single private rocket guy has dreamed of going up – but Elon. Heโ€™ll send a Tesla but wonโ€™t go himself. Itโ€™s like owning a formula 1 team but never driving the car. Itโ€™s weird

Bezos is a twat but at least he flew in his own damn rockets

It’s great that SpaceX is advancing reusable boosters, but their manned flights are still very much in the testing phase. Why would Biden risk the lives of astronauts on untested tech, for the sake of a few more months on the ISS? It’s not like they haven’t already scheduled a return flight on a proven tech platform. Or have I missed something?

Elon has gone beyond all expectations to explain the difference between the 90th percentile and the 99th

>”He’s an idiot who publicly attacked me, despite having no idea what ACTUALLY happened.”

Perfect description of yourself, Elon. You do this all the time.

The Kelly twins don’t fuck around

Somebody make this pitiful prick go away.

We never talk about whatever mental illness and drug addiction Elon has in any post that pops up.

He’s obviously unhinged

Plumbing new depths. Elon Musk will not be remembered kindly

Itโ€™s so weird that people arenโ€™t even holding respect for fucking astronauts anymore. This is not the world I grew up in


Elon thinks just because he’s the richest person on earth, he’s also the smartest or wisest. He has the biggest fragile ego in the world.

Elon Musk is a pathetic drug addled asshole who is an albatross around the neck of humanity. God, I pray that you free us from that piece of shit.

“SpaceX could have brought them back”…..Then why the fuck didn’t they? Why the fuck are you bragging about something your company DIDN’T DO?

So he can drop the R word willy-nilly, but I got bloked for calling him a mongoloid?

Strap him to the next starship and hope it explodes.

Fuck Elmo.

That’s my fucking Senator baby

Why is anyone with a shred of credibility or decency still using Xitter? Half the problem with that toxic hellscape is that itโ€™s getting any engagement anymore.

Can’t we just put Muskolini in one of his rockets and send him off to Mars, one way ticket, please?

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