Elon is a coward

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Jon Stewart is the first person to make fun of silliness in any party. But Jon is also incredibly intelligent and well read and he won’t put up with Elon’s BS claims.

Oh please Elon. You and all the MAGAs made fun of Harris for not going on Rogan, who’s MUCH less bipartisan than he once was.

If Harris is coward for not going on his podcast, you are a coward for not going on the show.

My assumption is that Elon will bail, using the same kind of weak excuses he used to bail on his “fight” with Zuckerberg.

If he doesn’t, though, Jon Stewart will dog walk the CyberDork up and down the studio, and it will be all the more glorious because of Elon’s foot-stomping demands that it run unedited.

You do an interview, everything should be on the table. Elon is the person who taking it upon himself to fire hundreds of thousands of civil servants who’s job it is to services US the US people with the services we pay for at a rate of 1 civil servant to 300-1200 American depending on the service, VA, Social Security, Infrastructure buildup and maintenance, medicaid, Medicare, IRS, FAA (Safety), Consumer protection Agencies, etc…

And Elon is putting all of that in public Twitter/X. Humiliating human beings to feed his ego while having no expertise in any of those domains. I could be bias and say it is so Elon can form a corporation to offer those same services and suck up our tax money while not delivering (ie human to the mars 2021) but I digress. So yeah, everything should be on the table.

My god he’s so pathetic. Also, “too set in his ways?” If anything Jon tries TOO hard to make sure he’s not perceived as one-sided in this insane climate.

If I was full of shit, an interview with Jon Stewart would scare me too.

Lol like Elon isn’t a right wing nut job

Idiots don’t want to play with smart people. It hurts their ego.

I’m sorry? Don Lemon did what? Where’s the link for this?

Gotta play both sides when dealing with the Confederacy. Historically speaking

Remember Jon Stewart being invited to Crossfire? He didn’t piss and moan that Fucker Carlson was “too set in his ways” and not “bipartisan” enough. He went on, and verbally eviscerated Carlson so hard that his show got cancelled.

Everyone already knew that. His mom comes to his defence regularly he’s in his 50s.

Sure, first post demands, then back out anyway. Color me surprised… Not

Fuck fElon

Is there a video of that interview? I’d love to see him cry.

My guess is that Elon buys Viacom and cancels the Daily Show before the interview actually happens…

The twitter guy is a fucking baby.

He’s terrified of doing an interview with someone who doesn’t think he’s a genius.

He just hates talking to people smarter than him, It shows his ignorance.

Jon has already agreed to it, they are making excuses.

Elon will sit there and calmly use big words that don’t mean anything. Stewart will destroy every fake “fact” . MAGA either won’t even see the exchange or they’ll claim it was doctored.

Because Jon Stewart will destroy Leon harder than he did Tucker Carlson all those years ago

Translation = Jon Stewart is way to smart for Elon. And will make Elmo look the the fu$king idiot he is.

Wait, don lemon made him cry? For real? 🤣

Elon, so are YOU. too set in your way.

If you have actually thought about a position it’s not too hard to defend it. He truly is a coward of the highest order, but they all are, leadership starts from the top down as always.

Elmo is definitely a coward with imposter syndrome.

To be fair, interviewing Trumpers is useless anyways… They are all well trained by now in the “Gish Gallop” and the art of the non-answer when it comes to difficult questions…

I doubt he’ll do it, even if it was unedited or live. Elon doesn’t want that smoke……or maybe he fuckin does, idk anything anymore

I would pay good Money to see Jon dismanteling President Musk

So Elon is backing out?

He won’t do it – nazis like him are cowards. Musk knows he has betrayed the country and the shareholders of most of his companies, with the possible exception of SpaceX. De-orbiting the ISS is a money grab to finance his mission to Mars.

Elon’s smart enough to know Jon would make him look foolish. What a pussy.

This tweet has Made Elon agree to go on Jon Stewart’s show.


Jon Stewart would rip him a new asshole if given the chance. He’d be begging for an edit by the time they were done. I’m not watching any news or any videos of these mfing clowns, but I’d watch that.

just remember the pathetic posts when he wanted to “fight” mark Z then backed out

You should ask about all of his charitable contributions (none). Such a piece of shit.

Can we get a hashtag running please? #cowardelon

Jon would eat him alive.

Musk isn’t gonna show up.

I wonder how will Jon Stewart and Dave Chappelle’s friendship nowadays.

Has anyone checked with elon’s lizard mom about this? 😂 she’s gonna say no.

“Too *set in his ways”*

“*Used* to be more *bipartisan”*

Pick one

Also no the FUCK he did not

Im on Johns side with 99% of things, but even I wouldn’t want to be in a debate with him. Be it structured or not. Man’s has a nose for bullshit and will point it out in detail.

Stewart was never bipartisan, lol

It’s even funnier because Jon has been leaning into obeisance. Even the both sides cowards won’t be good enough for the maga crowd

Elon.. the South African pig fucker

My boy Donny Lemms!

Fucking pussy

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