Elon might nuke Twitter at this point

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And nothing of value would be lost.

I often wonder why Musk participates in these petty little bitch fights. I’m assuming he thinks it makes him seem approachable and like “one of us”. But it comes off as insecure, lacking self awareness and punching down.

The greatest thing ever would be if Elon ends up deleting his account because of this

he’s just gonna claim he was hacked or some bullshit, and in the meantime Luigi Mangione is gonna get death penaltied

edit: spelling

I might die of Schadenfraude if the tender little hot house flower nuked twitter.

Don’t threaten me with a good time.

I’ve always said if Elmo destroys Twitter (and let’s face it, effectively he already has), he’ll finally have done something to make the world a better place.

Finally a christmas miracle.

Imagine being the richest man in human history, and your only occupation is to shit post all day on the internet.

If I had all this money, I would just lay low and engage in hobbies.

Remember: It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not, it just has to resonate. 👍

Jesus he’s full on losing it.

Oh fuck, they’ve unlimbered the Pedo-Cannon for this son of a bitch. Elon is done.

The Pedo-Cannon is basically a green light for any random red meat eater to do anything to Musk, under the assumption that since Musk is assumed to be (in fairness, he probably is, he supports them in congress) a pedophile, he’s an acceptable target. Basically, think of what happened in Pizzagate, it’s that.

If Musk were smart, he would divest himself of Twitter, extricate himself from American politics, collect his breed mares, and take his happy ass back to South Africa, **Today**.

More than likely he is going to keep running his mouth to people who are incredibly dangerous and violent, with no true knowledge of how dangerous and violent they are, or how little they care about his status. Nutjobs will just show up at a rally he is holding, and Elon will think that he’s going to have one of his one man Twitter bashings, and they will immediately fill his ass with more lead than a 1930’s gangster’s hideout after a police standoff.

Imagine getting your net worth to 400b and you’re still this unhappy

Stick it in my veins and let it never end

This guy has 11 kids and has spent the entirety of the Christmas season engaging in online arguments.

jaw drop

I’m out of the loop on this one. What was he lying about? Salaries?

They are eating the faces…

He’s so easily triggered. LOL

I thought Elon said he was sooooo busy all the time working and that was why he was rich.

Seems like the man does not work and starts fights on Twitter.

He seems like a little bitch.

I’d say it’s unsettling to see someone with that much power behaving that way but after Trump round 1 I’m used to it


Unsurprisingly disgusting comment, but you reap what you sow

For a guy who spent $40b so his friends could tell lies , he sure does have a problem with lying.

This dude demanding that people respond to him on his on timeline.

King Joffrey is the comp that comes to mind.

I cannot state how wonderful of a Christmas gift it is for me that President Musk is discovering the absolute cesspool be curated. This is peak cinema.

LEEEROY from the top rope! Wow!

Joining this sub right after the election has been one of my favorite decisions this year

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