Elon Musk arrives at Pentagon in a Cadillac, afraid to be seen driving a Tesla

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Probably an armored car.

Nah that caddy is bulletproof. Tesla don’t make those. Also there are no chargers on federal locations anymore lol.

What’s that turd doing at the Pentagon

The richest man alive with billions in federal contracts is now getting military briefings—because why not, right?

Elon Musk pulling up to the Pentagon like he’s not already running the government from the shadows is peak late-stage American empire.

We’ve gone from democracy to a techbro monarchy. Trump inherited Biden’s thriving economy and Obamacare. Under Obamacare, my premium is down to $90/month. My car insurance is $24/month with InsurencePanda. My homeowners is $25/month through rentsite. Trump will destroy it all to feed Elon’s ego.

Welcome to the Musk Presidency—unelected, unaccountable, and untouchable.

Its bullet proof. Need that in the wild…wild west.

That Cadillac is probably bulletproof unlike his CrappyTruck

I can’t believe our country is this fucking weak

What? It’s not bring your kid to the Pentagon day?

WTF is he doing on the pentagon?


Flies to China later in the day….lol

Please explain what a civilian is doing at the Pentagon?

He’s a billionaire.

Ooh ok

Scumbag has zero right to be at the pentagon. Fucking so gross.

It probably wouldn’t start.

Did he bring his son aka human shield?

“afraid to be seen driving a Tesla”

Is that really what you got out of this?

Yea, Trump has not yet ordered a billion dollars’ worth of armoured Teslas…… yet.

I’m so glad Chuck Schumer voted to keep the government open so we can live through this nightmare.

Its going to be a great four years!! I havent been this happy since before COVID

Richest man on the planet, and tax payers are probably paying for his security. 
Everything he has done is not to benefit the US but to benefit himself. 1) Make it look like the government is saving money to give reasoning for continuing tax cuts. 2) Have access to information on your competitors 3)Sell government your products under the guise the technology is better. 

Why is he allowed at the Pentagon? Who elected him into office? America is a joke.

I went with a Cadillac Lyriq over a Tesla. I understand why he chose to make his commuter the Cadi, much better ride.

That’s called a limousine. It’s meant to be exceptionally well-appointed and for the comfort of the passengers in the rear. VIPs often ride around in them and especially government officials. As far as I know Telsa doesn’t make a Limosine, nor does Elon Musk spend a lot of time driving himself around.

I know I know I know, we’re here to rag on Elon but there are so many more substantive things you should be ragging on him about… Him getting out of a Cadillac? You think owners of major companies just walk around wearing their own products? You think they’re just living billboards? Elon Musk is the Tesla Guy so he must drive a Tesla? Google tells me he own a Ford Model T and lots of other interesting non-Tesla cars. Huh.

I note that Tony Stark drove an Audi and not a Stark Industries rocket…

Anyways, this guy is pure dagnasty evil. I’ve been calling him a wannabe James Bond villain for over a decade. If you want to fight the power, making fun of him getting out of a Limo isn’t it.

not defending Elon here, but I am certain he was driven, and therefor had no choice of car to drive.

Call me crazy but… I don’t think he was the one driving it.

Also aren’t those the cadillacs that are specially made to be mini-apcs? Bulletproofing, armored, the works?

No he’s probably just needing protection from the likes of Reddit goons !


F muskrat no Republicans at any level

WTF are we paying for this asshole? And why is he anywhere near the Pentagon?

Why is this shitter being given any security briefings?

The more concerning thing… get that guy out of the fucking pentagon

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