Elon Musk explains who is the parasite class

By aacool
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If they engaged in less wars they would have less veterans. But here we are, listening to a douchebag calling people parasites instead of himself and his entourage.

1/3 didnt want this to happen.

1/3 did want this to happen.

1/3 doesnt care.

Makes these pictures a bit difficult to take seriously, even if the bottom line is true.

I really don’t understand what Musk and the right expects to happen out of all of this. Hundreds of thousands of Americans losing their jobs is generally one of the worst things you can do for GDP. What “savings” do they think they’ll find? What fat is there to trim from the public parks or national forestry service? This only makes sense if you look at Yosemite or a public beach and say “that should be commercial real estate.” Or if you look at veterans and teachers and say “you should buy commercial insurance or quit and get a job in tech.”

[Here]comment image) is the original image from 2016.

That pile he stands on is theirs, ours. He’s never put a dime into it, but they, we have, every paid working hour.

Fuck Elon Musk

What do you expect from the world’s richest man? Ebenezer Elon.

Ok this aint even a pic no more

How is the “no income tax on a overtime” going? Not a jab just curious as a Canadian.
I thought that would have been a major thing for hardworking Americans that Trump promised.

How the hell is this comic strip in r/pics?

wait, this isn’t r/comics

This post is a clear violation of Rule 2: No digital elements or text.

Mods, what are you waiting for?

They all stand red-handed and everything that comes from them is indecent. But somehow they make things happen. Just wondering if they have any idea of what really is *going* to happen?



Filthy peasants

He’ll make even more when his bid to grind up “undesirable” humans to feed to the rest of us gets approved by Trump.

Report those subsides to DOGE.


Not only that. Two weeks in a row Trump has taken his private Jet air force 1 for a 15 million dollar trip to the Super bowl and a 15 million dollar trip to the Daytona 500 and for good measure did laps around the course in air force 1 at a estimated cost of 25 thousand dollars. APPALLING 🍊👿

Musk even looks more parasitic than a typical human being.

i dont know, he said something like “Cut off my head and eat me now.”

Remember the power of the people. We do not have to fight for the 1%. We must not be intimidated by them.

I hope an avalanche of “parasites” hits the white house soon. Get that terrorist out of there.

It would sure be a tragedy if someone in that crowd tossed a match into his pile.

You people suck at understanding conservatives


8 million in US grant money! and he needs to cut social security. Why can’t everyone see this? Why can’t we have a few Republicans with courage?

Guys, we need to address the real problem. Yes, selfish billionaires like Musk are a problem, but the bigger problem are the people that voted for this BS to happen.

You know them, I know them, we all know them. They are people that think Trump is a business genius because he grifted his way to becoming a billionaire and president. They are the people that think the richest man on Earth cutting aid to the poorest people in the country is the right thing to do.

We need to figure out a way to convince these people that voting for this type of stuff is bad. Either that or we need to distance ourselves from them and shame them. If your relative voted for this crap is proud of it then shame them and cut them off from your life. They need to feel the pain they are inflicting onto others.

What part of “We have to go to Mars” don’t you understand?

Just wait the days a coming when people get upset enough. They’re going to march on Washington and it’s going to make January 6th. Look like it was some sort of a hippy picnic.

Can we just purge the parasite?

Building space ships and other advanced technology is an important social good.

Pissing away money in the third world, funding subversive NGOs, and welfare for layabouts is not.

Honestly, 8 million/day sounds low for him

Please take notice and spread the word that doge has not done anything to look at his contracts. If they really wanted to save the government money then they should be looking into what fElon is doing

Elon cuts waste.

Liberals-OMG he is killing poor people. We need condoms for people in Gaza and Sesame street in Iraq. How dare he stop our subscription to politico for 8k a year?

Take that vet benefits out! They stole the VA money decades ago.

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