Elon Musk is reportedly spending $40 million on 5 Super Bowl commercials that expose Government Waste that DOGE has found through USAID.

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Like tax cuts and subsidies for the rich? Must be nice to be able to select the topics

That seems… wasteful.

Musk is such a bad American president

Sooo government propaganda in Super bowl. Cool.

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Fossil Fuel industries received $620 billion in subsidies in 2023.

Leon Skum.

Oh God he has the money to do as much of this shit as he wants. And people will lap it up.


Eagles by 3

MAGA folks will have an orgasm over these ads without thinking about the waste in Congress or the tax breaks for the rich but Elon knows most Americans are sheep.

The chaos meister. Seriously, this dude has no idea how great power is wielded.

Its African American history month so let him get his swerve on and let freedom ring!

Is that image GenAI?

That sounds counterproductive.


Spending tens of millions of pounds to advertise waste. lol.

USAID makes up about 1% of the yearly federal budget. Iโ€™m sure theyโ€™re the huge problem tho

But heโ€™s constantly lying about this stuff. He already posted a meme about terrorists and condoms that was blatantly false.

And how much money has been wasted by his meddling with, and breaking the government? WAY more than any money he’ll claim is wasted. He’s an unimaginative POS that demosntrates time and time again that he fundamentally doesn’t understand things. And if he can’t understand why something is done then it must be because its wasteful.

They will all get material facts wrong. Musk is not smart enough to get info correct before airing. Heโ€™s just not a good person.

I think itโ€™s pronounced douche

So much for truth in advertising

Why not have a press conference like a real governmental agency? ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ

Thats a lot of money to just straight up lie

So glad we cut his taxes so he could spend money on this rather than us getting healthcare or education

I thought all the conservatives wanted politics out of football and sports??? Now itโ€™s trying to brainwash us in marketing?

Literally meaningless compared to the damage done by tax cuts.

Good lord, can’t this guy get ran over by a truck??

Anyone think the funding heโ€™s getting for spaceX is getting the same scrutiny?? Or do you think heโ€™s going to put whatever money he frees up into his own pocket??

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