Elon Musk on children not seeing their fathers

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As a spanish i need to ask. How is possible that so many americans take this pathetic worm seriously?

Musk is too much of a fuckface coward to ever put himself in harms way, fuck him and his mangled dickโ€ฆ

Elon is such a fucking prick, Zelenskyy is living in a war zone, he is regularly with his troops, he has faced assassination attempts that reached the room he was in, you can see it in how his face changed even after just the first months, then the first year.

EU leaders are serious in supporting Ukraine.

Others extort them and put up an embarrassing show.

Did no one point out that the blame is ALL on Putin and not Zelensky?

Maybe Elon should lead by example and get in the trenches himself. Thatโ€™ll show Zelensky!

Just a reminder that [Elon Musk has been in contact with Putin recently, and has pushed on twitter a Russia-Ukraine peace deal that benefits Russia](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2024/oct/25/elon-musk-has-been-in-regular-contact-with-putin-for-two-years-say-reports)

Heโ€™s a Russian asset just like Trump and the rest of the republicans lmao

Again with the “having fancy dinners” pointing out exactly why they would have attacked Zelensky just as hard, if not harder, if he came to the White House wearing a suit.

Nothing means anything to these people, it’s just anti-government fundamentalism dismantling the US and global security apparatus

Iโ€™m sure the fourth straight year of trying to convince the world that Zelensky is a bad guy will be when it finally catches on.

Elon tweeting is not gonna be the thing that finally flips the war around.

If this is Russiaโ€™s best effort itโ€™s going worse for them than I thought.

Elon Musk uses his son as a shield against any assassins bullet. He doesnโ€™t give a fuck about anyone but himself. No parent, hell no one with a soul, would ever ever put their kid in danger like that every day. Fucking prick.

Anytime they bring up the deaths, remind them about Covid. Trump is responsible for a lot of deaths

He was at a fancy dinner to get $2.6 billion in Air Force funding. You can afford $2.6 billion, if you want him on the front lines, pay up or shut up!

Here’s the tweet: https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1896230928411988397.

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WHO the fuck was golfing again, having fancy Dinner, or skiing, while true Leaders Met to discuss ?

He canโ€™t be bothered with his own children.

Simple counter.

How many children, both Ukrainian and Russian, will never see their fathers again because of Putins’ invasion?

Musk is so fucking evil. This level of malice is inexplicable.

Meanwhile Vance ran away from protestors.

Musk really should register as a foreign agent

How about all of the children that Russia stole!?

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Irony is list in him as is hubris.

You know what? Musky is right. This is terrible.ย 

Give Musk a rifle and put him on the front lines, since it matters so much to him.

If only Russia didn’t invade a country

All those children would be able to see their fathers

It’s 14 children now

If he wore a suit to the white house they would have attacked him for wearing a suit.

“Why are you wearing a fancy suit while people wearing camouflage are dying in trenches. How much ammo could you have bought for what the suit cost? Was the suit not paid by american tax dollars? This is our suit we have paid for it, give us our suit.”

> Nooooo he’s not wearing a suit he’s not taking the war seriously!
>> NOOOOO now he’s having fancy dinners with his allies he’s not taking the war seriously!

Musk and Trump are enemies of western civilisation. Europe needs to cut off his propaganda site asap.

This guy literally uses his toddler like a human shield he should shut the fuck up

This guy is such a huge piece of shit. The man is clearly on a mission to improve support for his country.

They aren’t children. I will die on this hill – those things aren’t human until Musk releases dna & and the ivf sequences. I have no idea what that pasty doughbitch could have put into those babies – but he’d be the first person to do something & those things aren’t human children until he proves it.

Ok. These community notes are clearly not working as intended. They need to be fixed asap. /s

Just change your handle to putinsprincess

I don’t know. Ask Putin how many.

Make that 14 now….

Elon Musk is personally responsible for at least 13 children never seeing their father.




Awww. Where has he been during those 3 years? I havenโ€™t seen him crying about it.

Now, with Trump in power, heโ€™s all sympathy all of a sudden as he realizes he can get a share of the russian market. Hypocrisy in its best

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