Elon Musk says school is useless. Gets Exposed.

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I was laughing my head off. Sick of these college is useless then they proceed to have went to college themselves. Loving him getting his rear end roasted. Sick of these cronies like Enron Elon thinking they can push us around.

Keep the masses uneducated and ignorant because they’re easier to control that way, how original…

Mass deportation of Elon Musk NOW!

They’re trying to convince working class people to not get educations. They themselves will keep sending their own children to the best universities in the world. They want workers for their factories, farms, and packing plants, not an informed, educated population

I don’t know about you, but I would rather have my Dr and/or lawyer attend a university than not….

So…don’t need school, but there aren’t any Americans with the technical knowledge to be Musk employees. There seems to be a disconnect there.

Elon and Trump can go fuck off anytime now.

Elon is absolutely right. If you need school to get ahead, you’re already losing if not lost. We live in an oligarchy. The rich own the world.

Go ahead with exposing.
But i honestly don’t think it has any positive effect on hypocrites like Musk. For him this misleading, opportunism and such are tools, not shortcomings like to people of adult mind.

Yeah no, school is absolutely essential to the continued advancement of the human species. Anyone that suggests otherwise has their own agended that lilely relies on hordes of uneducated individuals that will eat up everything they say like gospel.

Sound familiar?

Yikes….any time someone argues in favor of Elon just show them this. This explains him and his MAGAs bros in a nutshell.

“School is for losers” is a fifth-grader’s take on life

Oligarchs and right-wingers don’t want upward mobility amongst commoners. They all have degrees and want the door behind them shut!

If that is so, even more so to deport this POS. He was here on a student visa. Student visa expired so he could work. DEPORT NOW!

This is so unfair! 1. Elon’s father didn’t make his fortune with the emerald mine. In fact he was a real estate developer who used African labor to make about $20 million in apartheid South Africa. 2. Elon didn’t need school, except when he lied on his visa application, so suck it libs!!!

The more uneducated people are, the better for MAGA.

Elon is a troll and you can tell because he almost never replies to any of the comments that challenge him. He just says edgy shit and then sits back.

He needs more dumb uneducated republicans to be brainwashed and slaves to the billionaires.

Does SpaceX and Tesla only higher engineers without degrees?

Yeah Elon C**t maybe open up Trump University again.

Did Jesus go to college? No he didn’t.

Checkmate Atheist.

One more post about Elon Musk..

Elump is such a douchbag.

Free Luigi!

He says you’ve already lost if you need to go to school like you’re supposed to just be born knowing how to do stuff.

You could say….he did not throw away his shot. I’ll see myself out.

Elon needs school real bad…

“Ladder puller”

Someone who pulls up the ladder of socioeconomic mobility behind them. A person who benefitted from welfare, social programs, education, and other public institutions and services, then decided that nobody after them should be afforded the benefits of those institutions and services.

Doctors don’t need medical school I guess

Fucking idiot

I really am starting to think Musk has a brain tumor. Maybe he was always this way, but I don’t remember him being this outspoken and brazen with his stupidity.

I think he means thst anyone can teach themselves, which is true. Unrelated to visa stuff

Funny, I still see college degree as a requirement for applying to Tesla or space x.

When a billionaire tells you, you don’t need something… you definitely need it.

Dude, he needs to be stopped. I am so fucking tired of this guy. Everybody thought he was sort of genius, and then he started talking.

Why does he need engerniers from India?

Well, to be fair, Elon didn’t study in the US with his student visa, he worked, rather than getting his PhD

That statement on it’s face is stupid AF. The only charitable reading of it I can come up with is that you shouldn’t “need” a school, but should still use it? But even that is retarded, and mostly a word-game.

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