Elon Musk shaking his own hand while Donald Trump and Jon Jones share a handshake

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Has anyone checked on JD?

Our first overt oligarch is a loser.

Heโ€™s gonna need more than hair plugs and a black leather jacket to hide that truth.

He is wringing his hands think about how much
Money he is going to make off Trumpโ€™s win

Forget his hands, look at his fucking expression.

He’s like an infant that watches their parents and tries to copy their behavior.

“Yessss Donald, oh yesssss” *inaudible snorking sounds* “just like we talked about… the hands” *more sus sounds and heavy breathing* “they touch, they” *slurping noises as Elons rosey cheeks get more red and garden-gnome like by the minute* “they clasppppp” *drools*

400 bln right? This guy lives in a completely different reality than everyone else.

Grima f’in Wormtongue

Hate whoever you want, but I’m pretty sure he’s just clapping…

Has anyone ever looked more like a villain plotting…

The father he never had

I don’t hate him because he’s weird or awkward. I hate him because he’s a fascist piece of shit and proves his awfulness every day.


My precious

Look at how Elon looks at trump, that’s relationship goal stuff.

i think itโ€™s so funny ppl think of dump as an alpha maleโ€ฆhe wears cha cha heels with lifts, diapers, tons of orange make up and a bouffant combover hairdo with more product than most drag queens! heโ€™s always portrayed as so toughโ€ฆitโ€™s so fake itโ€™s funny!


Heโ€™s like one of those parasitic fish that latches onto a larger fish and doesnโ€™t go away.ย 

Just want someone to look at me the same way musk looks at Trump.

Donโ€™t like Elon but.. Itโ€™s called clapping though?

Agree with another comment hate whoever you want but this post makes yall no worse than the deluded right when they make weird comments like this. The dude was clearly just clapping if you were watching. I mean come in this one’s just weird

musk just took the job melania didn’t want. Musk has that same lustful look Pence did, WTF is trump into that he needs that beside him all the time?

It shakes the hand or it gets the hose again..

He looks at trump like a evil entity, a sexual predator and a child who is in love with his mom all at the same time

You sure it’s not mid clapping?

Man Iโ€™ve un followed so many subs to try and avoid political posts 24/7. When will this end zzz

Are we sure heโ€™s just not clapping. I get we donโ€™t like the guy but damn yโ€™all make shit up to make people look stupid.

Itโ€™s a photo. And I think what he is doing in this photo is clapping. I donโ€™t think I need to explain how photos work.

lmao bruh come on ppl clasp their hands in awe of god emperors greeting victorious gladiators sometimes jeez

Does anyone else notice the way Elmo is looking at Trump? While rubbing his hands together. Gleefully.
Do any Americans honestly believe this situation is normal or safe?
The whole world knows Musk paid half a billion dollars to buy the US president elect. He also worked with Ru to mess with the tabulator programs. Trump has said he and Elmo looked at voting machines together in July. He said we looked at the new voting machines coming in and Elmo knew all about them.
Unfortunately Elmo believes himself to be untouchable. He may well be right.

Heโ€™s clapping. Youโ€™re a liar.

He was clapping

Thatโ€™s a bit of a stretch buddy

Elon Musk is learning, in his mind he is preparing to be next president.
The sad thing he is projecting himself as Trump..

And Trump is a weak leader (bully the weak, praise other bully leaders because he see them strong..). The weakest leader in US history, covering his weakness with lies and deceit.


Editorializing a bit with the title there, OP.

Like, Musk is a stain upon humanity, but you donโ€™t need to make up something weird when heโ€™s clearly just in the middle of clapping.

I believe that’s called clapping

Holy Crap, Trump has become his dad. It makes so much more sense now.

Why does he look like Palpatine staring down Anakin as he accomplishes a Sith milestone?

get this man a trainset immediately

This sub is still crying

Bro is literally just clapping lol

Maybe he can get Jones to fight him since he couldn’t goad Zuck into it.

It looks like he’s just clasping his hands together

He is so painfully stupid and lame. (Applicable to all parties photographed here.)

They are called Plutocrats. Um-okaeyy!

thats what a sycophant looks like

Mind Quad with hands and legs. Lame

3 scum of the earth in one photo

I getting real โ€œlet me shake your handโ€ energy

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