Elon Musk’s Twitter Storm…

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If there was ever a time to use the newly minted Presidential immunity, this is it.

Elon is such a little bitch.

WTF is happening? No one elected Elon Musk to anything. Why does he think he’s in charge of the country?

I wonder why he cares so much

One thing Donald and Elon share for one another besides romance is that they both have shitty urls.

They will fuck everything up and then blame everyone else even though the republicans control everything come January and the idiots will still believe them. Anyone know when the meteor is going to hit so it can end this twilight zone

In other words, We are off to our yacht party while you guys can work a few extra hours to put food on table and struggle to heat your homes.

Happy holidays to all Americans.

Yours truly
President Musk and his b***h Trump

We really need to ramp up the President Musk memes and comments. The more thunder gets stolen the more likely he’ll be told to fuck off by the orange one.

Man it’s crazy how desperate they want nobody to have a chance to stop their plans.

Now we will have 2 babies and one sycophant in the Whitehouse? Omg! How will the world keep up with the mean tweets and tantrums?
Does anyone else picture Elon and an orange mini-me?

Talk about a wake up call.

We have this out of control mentally ill billionaire, screaming at democratically elected government officials and telling them what to do. Oh, and we just let him pay for an idiot to take the White House again.

And yet Trump will pass all kinds of nonsense in his last few days as president no matter what ffs this is ridiculous

I am beyond sick of democrats doing absolutely nothing. Merrick Garland couldn’t run the pigpen at the petting zoo.

#Deport Elon Musk.

Donald Trump is going to throw Elon Musk out of the administration before the administration even gets started! His ego won’t stand for Musk calling all the shots.

Can’t Seal team 6 do something already

Wait til January 😂

As if he thinks that the outgoing party should just stop legislating a month before the end of their tenure 😂

Let President of the United States Elon Musk and his First Lady Donald Trump do their thing. They are two stable geniuses are always right.

Tantrums just mean one needs more ketamine or the other needs a diaper change.

I think hes having a alzheimers fit…

His simps will soon bore of all this ‘government’ stuff, it’s important but dull that’s why Trump doesn’t bother with talking about the realities of politics.

Why not? He’s not president yet?

Why stop at Jan 20? Lets just wait until the next election, and the one after that too

Online meltdown. Too much amphitamines

Can people please start boycotting Tesla? Ffs

I suspect he is on cocaine 90% of the time.

I’m getting real sick of this shit already and he’s not even back in

President elect Musk is having fits

A foreigner trying to overthrow our government, treason

Did the people elect him for him to decide? He should should be the one who ran for presidency, OPPSS i forgot he is once undocumented immirgrant in US

It’s good to have a President in Musk that understands the needs of the people.

Must be the drugs (power is also a drug)…

Musk reminds me of a few ex’s.

The kind of girl whose bio says “No games” but it’s because that would interfere with their games.

I think he’s trying to prevent any last minute investigations into election tampering.

Go to hell, Musk.

Fuck the filthy rich with an especially large cactus.

But y tho?

So, we just don’t have a big orange baby we have two now?! When they don’t get their way, tweets, rants, threats, and tantrums! Yet, I’m glad it hit a nerve 😂

Immigrants cannot be president. Dementia Donald cannot cede power to Elon!

All that wealth and still a loser who’s never know friendship or love 😂

Republicans would be cramming every last thing they can before the next president, just saying.

Someone needs to tell Elon to his face to stfu. People didn’t vote for him.

so the presidents term is really only 3 years and 10 months, and not 4 years ?

The anti-government and establishment, “rich men from Richmond” voters really seem to like the idea of THEE billionaire of all billionaires running things. Kinda wild that these are the same “drain the swamp folks”.

Yeah, and not nominate any judge either, right ?

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