Elon paid 44 billion just to get murdered by images

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Dan Hentschel is a national treasure. Also, Musk is supporting the dude who has supporters that literally do the sieg heil gesture towards him.

Why would that guy get punched? Since when is it wrong to cosplay as Charlie Chaplin? 

This public meltdown is hilarious, but I also hope we don’t get nuked before 2025, jfc. These tyrants do not have any braincells.

It’s not just on that platform.

Elon the dipshit cunt face douche munching slut pig.

Fucking delusional piss money train with a k hole that would rival goatse probably dropped a million on Epstein to rape under age teens. No wonder he calls good people pedos.

Correct but not complete.

Elon is insulted *everywhere* but he only sees it on Twitler 

They want so much to be persecuted that they do their own makeup.

I don’t understand Twitter metrics then, because this is the second post I’ve seen that said Elon got ratioed, when the metrics suggest the opposite. Someone care to educate me?

Well, let’s see… He said, “This platform is being purchased to stay politically neutral,” and turns his entire corporate power to back cronyism. I couldn’t imagine why he’s catching flack.

He paid $44 billion to be the shadow president.

Godwin’s Law never fails

If we’re lucky, Leon will just delete all of Twitter

I know the bot account that posted this image tries to use clickbait titles to get upvotes, but that 44 billion objectively bought him the next US president. His net worth has more than doubled since Nov 5. Musk is obviously a massive douche but pretending reality is something that it isn’t is just sad and pathetic.

No, he paid 44 billion to influence the 2024 election.


No reason? Or a very good reason.

I still am hoping for twitter to suddenly crash and burn one day, not just a slow decline

I still cringe a bit every time I see the word ratio used in this manner

nazi shit bag

I thought Elon was some type of genius. Is he genuinely surprised?

Wtf does ratiod mean?

No, wait. Dont tell me. Its gotta be some retarded twitter bullshit that i dont want my mind polluted by.

he didnt pay though

But he didn’t get ratio’d? Unless I’m old now and missing the meaning?

comment image?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=059eb17747df3769deebf94dcbb269225298013e

got this from twitter

Elon, the forum admin lol

“Ratio’d?” Are we just making up gratuitous jargon now?

But it doesn’t look like he did get ratio’d tho


He paid 44 billion to win an election, secure a tremendous amount of power and get you all thinking about him 24/7.

But sure, the lil memes will surely show him…🤣🤣🤣

How is it different from feminists promoting crappy hairstyle?

Why is it ok to punch men but not women for their appearances?

When did this sub turn into a trump/musk hate circlejerk

Downvote me all you want just look at the front page of the sub. *Lliterally* every single post is some American political bullshit the rest of us don’t give a fuck about

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