Elon takes his big red ball and goes home…Loomer loses check.

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God, he’s such a giant fucking manbaby. I’ve seen thicker skin on baby apples than this 10 lb lump of shit walking around in a 5 lb bag.

Honestly this is hysterical though.

The leopards are going to be diabetic before we hit the inauguration.

This is kind of funny because fuck Loomer. But also kind of funny because she was somehow so stupid to not expect this from the worlds richest infant.

Every time someone tells me how much of a genius Leon is, I think back to the plethora of cases where the drug addict combed through Xitter to find and ban people who said mean things about him. Then again, maybe this is a great use of his time because if was focusing on things that mattered to the rest of us, it would actually be dangerous.

Yes yes, let the hate flow! Where’s my popcorn?

Free speech absolutist right here. This is the type of stuff, demonetization, they would cry about it being unfair and against free speech. Now he’s doing the same, because it’s okay when he does it.

This is a colossal bitch move on Elmo’s part. I can’t believe I’m rooting for Laura Loomer of all people.

“I’M TELLING THE PRESIDENT ON YOU!” – Laura “Looners” Loomer

Leon is such a petty cunt.

This…. this is the LAMF I am looking for.

LOL!! First they came for the woke something something then they came for me.

I love this for her really I do. The snake is eating its tail.

Breaking! 😆 A kid pushed another kid on the playground, more news at 11.

Elect a clown, expect a circus

Drama to distract from the rich assholes lining up for Trump’s plundering.


Ugh every day of these doofuses in the media is making me feel stupider.

I fucking love watching MAGA attack their own.

Keep fighting boys, hopefully you all will just dissolve yourself and do us normal folks a favor.

>elon is free speech fraud

*convulses violently until i froth from the mouth*

“no shit”

Loomer once handcuffed herself to Twitter headquarters to protest being banned from the site. Go for it again, Laura. Chain yourself to Mar A Lago and stalk that South African bitch.

I love this for them.

Free speech absolutist, indeed!

What a sad and pathetic little man.

LMFAO this shit is HILARIOUS!

I wish I could care

He did it with journalists and other people that got under his skin for the most trivial things.

I don’t know why she ever thought she would be able to mess with him on his personal platform. Because that’s basically why he bought it (even if the cost was against what his will)

Let them destroy each other. 

I cannot wait to watch Rogan try to lionize Elon for bringing in cheap labour because investing in Americans is hard and for deplatforming people who disagree with you.

Loomer will lose this fight. Trump will support the guy who gave him $250 million and who whispers in Putin’s ear and MAGA will go where Trump goes. Loomer’s 15 minutes is just about up.

When two of the worst people you know have a shit off. It’s quite entertaining to watch.

lol I live in a timeline that has me wanting Loomer to prevail in this dispute…WTF is going on

This is so cathartic

Please devour yourselves

It’s glorious

**”The Republican Party Hates You™ ” is kind of a brand.**
Are you a human? Then chances are more likely, considering the kind of human you are… non-heterosexual, non-Christian, born outside the US, thinks Mike Pence was a good American, thinks Social Security is a decent program, etc,… it’s more likely than not, statistically, most Republicans don’t like you.

It’s a union of resentful, toxic, sactimonious, self-righteous people who don’t even like each other. Kinda gross, huh? They rule the land.

Everyone, get in here!!! It’s super fun right now. Bring popcorn!

Let them fight!

Damn I expect Elon and MAGA will eventually have a falling out, but I didn’t expect that to happen even before inauguration day lol

Tear each other apart. Feast on face, leopards.

Fuck all y’all right wing grifters.

Loomer might be actually insane and more than a little stupid but she’s right about Musk being a “free speech fraud”

I love how she tagged Trump to come save her. 🤣

Please, continue. This is glorious.

Holy shit this is all unraveling for all them and it’s so funny to watch

The leopards are eating their own faces. Amazing.

I can’t waste gigs of data talking about what a shithead Elon is, but what’s more impressive here is these people are just now starting to realize that Musk, Trump and his billionaire buddies aren’t real populists and don’t give a shit about them.


I agree with…with *Laura Loomer*…

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