Elon wonders why there isn’t more positive content on Xitter

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Namaste, Elon “Fuck yourself in the face” Musk

I honestly don’t know any right wingers that are fundamentally positive or hopeful people. They also aren’t informative (unless you count conspiracy bullshit as information) and they don’t find beauty in the day to day.

I work with a lot of them and they are almost all misanthropes and look for the worst in all situation’s.

Doesn’t surprise me on bit that the blue sky migration has left nothing but negative people over there

Positive, beautiful, and informative is why we all moved to BlueSky.

This is Leon’s “please clap” moment

Is his usual playbook of calling people pedos or unveiling a new flamethrower or promoting scam crypto not working to divert attention from what a self-absorbed mentally unhinged dork he is anymore?

So now that the left wing has left for BlueSky, it’s just a cesspool of racist conservative trash, and he’s asking them to behave better towards each other? 😂

This is what you bought bro.

No amount of puppies riding ducks will fix that cesspool.

More positive content? Ok. I’m positive you’re a ghoul disguised as a human being.

All my favorite artists moved to BlueSky to get away from the CHUDs that permeate Twitter both internally as a company and externally as blue checks.

Plenty of positive, beautiful, informative content on there.

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Ugh! I just hope all these dipshits don’t move to bluesky.

It’s the same issue as 4chan:

There are a bunch of people who troll with nazi shit who are not actually nazis, just amoral basement dwelling nerds who think its funny. Unfortunately, there are a bunch of actual nazis who take the bait and start posting because they think it’s real. Pretty soon, it actually is real. Just a bunch of racists on a website talking about purity and cleansing.

I think this is mostly what’s happened with the GOP: They see these dudes at rallies with nazi flags and think “Haha, trolls, love those guys,” not realizing that the dudes with the flags are actual nazis who want to kill anyone who isn’t white.

Well, they’re quickly realizing their mistake. They’re in bed with a bunch of racists who would boot Vivek out of this country faster than you can say “Ramaswamy.”

I welcomed the neo-nazi movement….& got neo-nazi content. Story at 11

I thought comedy was legal now. Isn’t that what you specifically said when you purchased the infinite doom-scroller apparatus?

So, this guy alienated every one that wasn’t a racist, Nazis, right wing nut case, MAGA, etc… to just turn around and make his target market angry with him. Then said guy is now advocating for positive, beautiful, and (factuality) informative content???

You won’t get it from your target market who is against all that, who you have know pissed off, and the others are long gone off your platform.

Some of those Nazis are pretty.

Nazi on a Skateboard.

Cat with Hitler moustache

I can see patterns in the smoke coming from those ovens.

Is that what you mean?

He brought this all upon himself.

He should try Blue Sky

He doesn’t find the pictures of people hanging him aesthetically pleasing? There’s no accounting for taste, I suppose. 

So let me get this straight, he buys the platform so all the hate spewing maga and neo-nazi can go on their hate rages under the guise of free speech. He cuts off people he hates and throws “go fuck your face” comments and now wonders why x can’t be more positive ?

You can’t make this shit up. If you made a movie about this no one would find it believable.

When he came in with that sink in his arms, all positivity left the building. Let that sink in.

Big *Please Clap* energy

“Why do the Nazis I unbanned keep posting Nazi shit?”

I wonder what he considers “positive, beautiful or informative content” though?

Coming from the guy who helped flood it with misinformation for the Oompa man.

Lordy…Your hate spewing isn’t beautiful?

Had one fine mind tell me this week that this isn’t the original Putin.He has been replaced.She said this to me as if I was the stupid one.Also they took some sentence Putin said as meaning he is going to expose the Hollywood elite for being child eating vampires and he is going to put a stop to it all 🙄

All the normal, polite people moved to blue sky. Enjoy your cesspool

All of the positive people moved to Bsky. Is he being sarcastic?

Just out of curiosity I made an account on twitter yesterday. I used a throwaway email to create it. You have to select one account to follow. This is not skippable. The accounts they offer to chose from are Musk and a lot of right wing propaganda like Epoch Times, Fox News, Dinesh D’sousa, Newsman etc. I had to scroll way down to find ESPN. I got my account started then looked around. I came back a few hours later and found that my account was suspended. I needed to show an ID or take some test. I just deleted the account,

The positive people fled to Bluesky. All that’s left are the turd flinging monkeys that value mockery and dominance.

Just a bit please.

I’m half tempted to create an account just to insult him, it might be an affective business strategy

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