Elonia: federal govt must cease operations until I take power

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I guess I missed seeing Elon‘s name on the ballot. Seems that he thinks he was elected President.

Remember, Republicans, this is how stupid your leaders think you are. They think that you can’t do a simple Google search to see whether they did something hugely significant after an election that they lost. Will you prove them wrong?

Elon Musk has the intelligence & emotional maturity of an 8th grader…

Who the fuck does this guy think he is?

Hey Elon,


We need another Mario Brother.

I feel like we are witnessing in real time the descent of America into an oligarchy. The fact that this rich dumb fuck can openly call for the US government to be shutdown so brazenly really shows the power he is about to wield.

fuck you, Elonia.

Kindly fuck off, Elon.

If this was Russia, he would have fallen out a window by now.

Because, of course, the next guy will stop signing bills a month before his job is over too, right? Just like he did last time?

Honestly, the lack of seriousness… Go ragebait somewhere else, I hear Mars is attractive…

Elon is
1 delusional
2. Scary
3. Entitled
4. Narcissistic
5. And more don’t have energy to type it

Why is an unelected emigrant trying to tell congress not to pass any bills?

I can’t wait until these two break up.

I never thought I’d be in a situation where I would say, “Get out of here you fucking foreigner! We don’t want your kind here.” Thank you Elon Musk for letting me feel like someone’s racist uncle at Thanksgiving.

Lmao there’s a current president that if he chooses to can pass any bill he wants and there’s nothing Elmo can do to stop it.

I’m sorry, who the fuck are you? That’s not how things work Dickhead

How long is trump going to let elon cosplay as the president? I can’t imagine his ego will tolerate this for too long.

When do we get to deport him back to his shit hole country?

I missed the part of schoolhouse rock where the south African douchebag controls the legislature. 

So basically the president shouldn’t be allowed to do their job for the last 3 months cus ???

Go DOGE yourself, and fix your cyber shit trucks while you’re at it..

I can’t wait for the douche twins to tank the US economy so hard even their base wants them dead.

Funny – they can choose Supreme Court and pass bills until last second of they’re twin but democrats have to govern at most 3 of 4 years? What?

I just got a news alert saying that trump opposes the bill and my first thought was “ok? WHO gives a shit about your opinion Mr regular citizen until January 20?”

Yeah kind of like how they stopped appointing supreme court justices with an election coming up that the incumbent was likely to (and did) lose? Oh wait..

Just asking because I’m not sure, is Elon a CEO by any chance?

This guy is gonna get Epsteined. Act surprised when it happens.

I think I hate Elon more than Trump at this point

Y’all hate citizens united yet or do you love the corporate overlords that you didn’t vote for?

I’m all for a shutdown for a month. Let the public be reminded what feds do. That should shut DOGE up. Let’s start by not handing out SS and having the military on furlough, no security at airports, no air traffic controllers and right before Christmas no less. Shut down all the National Parks. Need a passport? Tough toodles. I don’t care how much you spent on your trip. So many more examples…

The leader of the Department of government efficiency wants the government to do nothing for a whole month? Doesn’t sound very efficient, Elon.

Why is a foreigner telling Americans how to live? Fuck him and his orange lover.

Can we just deport this fucking guy already

Why does the guy trying to setup an illegal government agency think anyone currently in government will listen to him…

Or why Trump will listen to him the second he realises Musk think’s he’s the power behind the thrown, billionaire punch up 2025!

Definition of musk:

A greasy secretion with a powerful odor, produced in a glandular sac

Enough said.

I never voted for Elmo, fuck this guy.

Not how that works.

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