Elon’s nazi salute and the word “heil” projected onto Tesla’s Berlin factory

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I asked this once before but wasn’t able to get an answer

Being that Tesla and SoaceX are public companies, don’t they have a Board of Directors that could fire him? You would think at some point there would be a line that they would hold him accountable for regarding their public image. It’s not like he contributes anything to either company. He just does K, plays video games and tweets.

The [5 minute video](https://youtu.be/NjWl_RNDMSA?si=Cy8M-1R6nabGtbo1) they released is really much more impactful the picture alone. Talks about how Elon is supporting all sorts of right wing groups, including Germany’s AfD.

Hilariously, if elon did this himself, they’d still find ways to play it off.

Here is full video: https://youtu.be/NjWl_RNDMSA


Dudes a joke. His flameout is going to be celebrated by many 

He looks like such a fat piece of shit that has a dump in his pants.

They actually projected a mini documentary

MAGA – you did Nazi that Roman Salute.

German activists- Nazi ….

Did you hear that Israel’s Dear Leader said he doesn’t agree that Elin did a NAZI salute? The genocidal bitch doesn’t think Elon Musk did a NAZI salute, that’s hilarious because everybody else does, including Germany.

They know what he did.

S*** I better sell my Bitcoin

How can President Elon and tagalong DJT deny he saluted the Republicons. SIEG HEIL

Fun Fact: all the german newspaper were like “ahhh it MIGHT be an Hitler salute” and now the protestors who potraited even this picture of Elon musk doing the “MIGHT be Hitler salute” are getting prostecuted by the police for displaying forbidden symbals (aka Hitler’s salute)

I really, really hope someone slugs that mother fucking Nazi.

This is wildly illegal right? It’s been a few years since I lived in Germany.

Glad to see the Germans aren’t bending the knee. Unlike Netanyahu, ADL, and others who desperately want Elmo to love them.

”I’m lieutenant Aldo Raine and every man under my command owes me 100 N%zi scalps. And I want my scalps. Or you will die trying. ”

I invite anyone that thinks what Elon did was okay to do the same gesture in public and see what happens.

That’s a REALLY good quality projection.

I would say burn it to the ground but half their trucks do that by themselves anyway.

Teslas heart goes out to you…. If you’re a NAZI

Good activists. We need more of this.

Elon wants to be the next Henry Ford at all costs

That’s good

Funfact: Police is going for the activists now for spreading Nazi propaganda.


He looks like a guy that just bought his 1st brand new superbike and has plans to video record when he gets it over 150mph (241km/h). That grin of his will 100% definitely touch the pavement sooner than later at that speed. And it will probably be on video.

The only good Nazi…

Sorry where is the factory?

This is awesome.

Why are Super Charger stations still functioning anywhere in the world?

and now state security is investigating the activists…

this should chap his ass right good

Fun fact: the people who did this are under investigation for displaying a hitler salute lmao and our shitty media won’t call it what it is.

haha)))) I think so this is a new Tesla ad.🤪


This is so wrong

Don’t muddy Nikola Tesla’s good name u moron…

Police were so slow and sooo busy that day…

This action has faced more coverage in the German news than the actual salute. In the articles they strike a euphemistic tone talking about “a gesture that some say appears similär to a Hitler salute”

The activists could actually face consequences, while the German media glosses over the whole ordeal.



And nothing will change.

God damn I hate this sub… unfortunately

Welcome to 4 days ago

This isn’t childish at all

I wish people did this to IBM and Volkswagen when they were helping the NAZIs… but those companies are still going strong because everyone forgets, eventually.

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