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“And then I devilishly made her help the old lady cross the road. Muahahaha!”

We’re all confused. I hate this timeline.

“Forgive me, father, for I have sinned. I…I told my wife I understand what she’s feeling.”

Talk dirty to me baby.

“I’m gonna empathize with you soo fucking hard…”

Sometimes I wish I had a grueling military background so I could do what they do in movies and series when “leaders” (read dictators) take over full control

When they go low, kick their fucking teeth in.

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Why doesn’t your evil consciousness wear glasses? 🤔

>In my work with the defendants (at the Nuremberg Trails 1945-1949) I was searching for the nature of evil and I now think I have come close to defining it. A lack of empathy. It’s the one characteristic that connects all the defendants, a genuine incapacity to feel with their fellow men. Evil, I think, is the absence of empathy.

In this case, I will see you all in Hell.

The fascists hate empathy, because they have none.

That’s some dystopian shit. 

Love that the devil actually succeeded in her mission.

She is empathizing with her devil self

Black metal is about to get really weird

Being smart and have education is next on list…

“Hello and welcome to hell, what are you in for”
“Well, I helped an old woman cross the street so i guess that’s a one way trip to hell”

read the bible upside down and make new comics

I am sorry for your predicament. Is that a sin?

TIL: Satan uses Zoom… guess it’s Discord from now on for me <.<

You need provide a list of the Seven Deadly Sins and Seven Heavenly Virtues to your “Boss”. Empathy is IMHO part of Charity (Love).

I guess that does describe Satanists very well

Can someone explain this to me?

Ugh, I know how that feels.

Shit, Im evil.

Catch me in the bathroom, railing lines of compassion.

Did I miss a notice from the meetings?

Republicans have no empathy. They want to watch people die. It’s that simple. 

Oh, the irony. Reality itself is making the “sinners” to be in the right.

And then the angle on your shoulder is the shitty evangelical as well

I mean, know its not the point, but actually a pretty clever move for the devil. Make the words of his demons sound reasonable so people are more susceptible to actual sins. No one would listen to the voice that tells them to kick puppies and old ladies but probably would to the one telling them to hug kittens and bake cookies for the school.

And now, Mr. Bond…

we will talk about your feelings! MUAHAHAHAAA!

‘Empathy is a sin’ is from the bible of the Weak.

So relax, the sins and virtues are the same as it ever was. And the devil/demon/duck on your shoulder can continue to encourage you to sin in the same old ways.

*Same as it ever was, same as it ever was… Once in a lifetime…*

I guess, we all are. My inner demon said he can’t compete with reality and left for the woods.

It’s simple.
All you have to do is *harden your heart.*
In these times, it’s crucial that you don’t feel sorry for those *other* people.

You have to understand, it’s perfectly fine to empathize with *your* people. But you can’t make the mistake of tolerating *those* people.

I mean, is it even fair to call them *people*? Honestly, it’s debatable. We will probably need to build more “containment facilities” too.

*Massive fucking /s if it wasn’t obvious.*

I love that pig tails are evil

I feel like not even Hell wants her so they trick her to thinking empathy is a sin to make her go to heaven

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