Enough said.

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Somehow I donā€™t think any of them have ever picked up a history book

There were Americans in 1942 protesting about how hitler did nothing to them so they shouldn’t have gotten involved

I can’t even engage with this stuff anymore. President Musky and his Ruski orange sidekick just make me livid at this point

ā€œHe should just be nice to Hitler and make friends with himā€

– Donald Trump. 1940.

It’s a bit jarring to see a picture of him where he face doesn’t appear to be rotting from the inside out.

Musk is more submissive than a gimp.

… also never said a ‘Thank you!’ to their allies. /s

Fuck me that’s funny.

Heā€™s one ugly mother fucker in all sense of the word, inside and out. Actually, the dude doesnā€™t even know how to have fuck or human at all (I hear he has had most of his kids via IVF). I mean that weird inflated upside stomach/chest thing probably gets in the way.

Nah. It would be nice if they were simply this stupid and naive, but I think the reality is a lot worse than that.

War is expensive, and Russia offers them both support. For Trump, he’s downright said that he’s spent russian money if I remember correctly.

For Elon, I gather that he’s endorsing pro Russian parties like AfD.

I think they want peace not to save lives, but to ‘save’ their own bank accounts and maintain good relations.

Well dolphy did send over multiple peace offers with one being that germany would give back all the land they took from France and etc but Brittain still refused. Why?! So stupid

The problem is there were people like this – Lord Halifax for one. But whereas Halifax was merely wrong and remained a professional, principled and deeply loyal Briton, Musk is instead a slithering opportunist, a liar, a bounder and a cad.

You can sure tell his nazi grandparents didn’t rub off on him at all.

10 years ago, I could never imagine USA being ridiculed every day by every developed country known to us.

Now US is pure joke, void of a speck of trust or dignity.

The next My Pillow Guy, hopefully.

well put

I believe ultimately he paid for aid! Nothing was given free regardless! UK only stopped paying for it in 2006

Appeasement was one of the main causes of WW2. Those in the white house should go take a history class.

This doesnā€™t really work as though as Britain declared war on Germany and not the other way round.

Americans conveniently forget Joe Kennedy was a massive piece of shit and a giant coward. The American ambassador to the UK wanted to hand over the UK to Hitler while he hid out in the countryside. Dont trust Americans. – An American

You shouldnā€˜t compare the Situation 1940 and Hitlers Plans with 2025 and Putins plan. Itā€˜s not always that easy as you wish for.

Thereā€™s probably a Daily Mail article saying that. They were writing pro-Hitler articles until the Nazis lost.

I mean, many of the arguments are that Ukraine cannot win against Russia (I am not agreeing, though I actually don’t know). Would you say the same about the UK vs. Nazi Germany?

At least people found something to do with the british to post here this time

Not even close

Yeah except England, at that time, wasnā€™t a stinking corrupt country and actually worth fighting for.

The thing is, these people are not that dumb. They know it’s not that simple. What they are doing is gaslighting their base for support. They are blaming the American debt on everything. First it was the illegal immigrants, then it was the entire federal government and it’s programs and workers, now it’s Ukraine stealing all of our money and “wasting it”. They are pillaging the USA and garnering a desire within its population for authoritarianism. The people are literally praying for their own downfall via brainwashing. It is maddening to be outside of the cult. Unfortunately, those in the cult would beg to be fed the poison to the very last drop. And the cult is the government now. We are in some deep shit.

Apparently, there were British field officers that advocated to Churchill, prior to the US entering the war, for the UK to surrender to the Nazis. I am not sure if this is true or not.

total bullshit comparison – putin is fighting Ukraine about a relatively tiny piece of land that has been debated for a very long time – Hitler took over entire Austria and sep. the next year Poland – putin did not invade any other country so far – he is not even capable of doing that

Yeah? How many English live in London today?

Churchill is a weird example but ok.

Fuck Trump.

Wouldnā€™t be surprised if Elon stole the tardis from Dr.Who or has him locked in some underground prison getting secrets from him.

This meme was very generous in the picture they choose for Musk

Elon is a disgusting human as is the Orange Kremlin Baby…why the love each other so much….Sieg Heil…..

OK. So where are the UK, German and French weapons facilities making arms for the Ukrainians?

Or does Europe keep buying smartphones, EVs and other products from China that helps them build their army to invade Taiwan, the Philippines, Japan, S. Korea?

Does Europe buy gas/oil and other materials from Russia to help fund their war machine?

I would never buy an Apple product made in China. I would don’t buy a Lenovo laptop that funds China. Get your priorities straight.

The axis will respect a ceasefire because they won’t dare to attack the US.

Looks like America needs their own Maidan right now to get the Russian puppet out!

This is so…. Spot on….

Pretty sure if Musk read this, he’d still not get the point.

He’d be like, “Where’s the lie though?”

Yup. It’s called surrender. They just aren’t saying it.

Slava Ukraine. Never Surrender.

Appeasement was the policy of the labor party

The Policy of the Government under Neville Chamberlain was appeasement and disarmament whilst the Nazis were rearming.

Anyone who smiles at this meme is a retard without the excuse of stupidity

You don’t even need a fictional post, Americans publicly opposed fighting Hitler

Echo chamber nonsense

Aren’t they talking about a ceasefire? How would that not make sense? Better to come to an agreement with war on pause, than keep fighting in the meantime.

What do you want? You want all of Russia to be annihilated so there’s no risk they ever try again?

Every time this sub shows up in my feed its bots, and now the first “legit” post from here i see is pro war propaganda.

Its funny that the same people who attack Musk for pushing an idiotic ceasfire in the name of “peace” are the same people who wanted Israel to sign an idiotic ceasfire in the name of “peace”

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