Enron Musk has the woke mind virus!

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Musk’s ridiculous attempts at sounding cool just get cringier by the day.

Really makes one wonder what is going on in that head of his.

He’s saying he doesn’t have the woke mind virus because he deleted it from his system.

though since he didn’t specify a directory and used a nuclear command like “rm -rf”, I’m going to assume he deleted literally everything in his brain in the process…which would actually explain a lot.

He’s such a poser and frankly just a flat out nut bar now. Can we just ignore him and maybe that will break his deranged mind enough that he gets involuntarily committed for a while to hopefully clean up?

Doesn’t that command mean that he deleted everything ie his brain?

Aww! He thinks he’s a techie!

He’s saying “I asked chat gpt how networking commands work and it told me this”

Him trying to act like he knows his stuff is pathetic really.

How anyone could take someone seriously that unironically uses the phrase “woke mind virus” is beyond me. He has to be the most insecure guy on the planet. His insecurity is like a black hole.


Enron has his reasons. He is a master coder, computer genius.

He has an encyclopedic grasp of a handful of programming buzz words.

He’s working at such a rarified level that we plebes cannot even hope to understand.

Also, on Linux and Unix, ‘rm -rf’ is typically how to command the system to delete a directory. It is not generally shown as a success message. And it is put it before the directory being deleted, not after.

So in trying to flex his programming skills, he is, once again, telling on himself.

tell me that you paid someone else to pass you CS class without telling me…

Have we tried turning this muleshoe off and on again?

Translating this nonsensical garbage into english:

“Where is the mind virus computer on my local network?” a: It’s the computer you’re using.

The computer you’re using, has now told you it deleted the command that would allow you to delete folders of files recursively.

It’s so painfully obvious to anyone who knows unix that he has no idea what he’s talking about

It’s cute that Elmo thinks he’s a programmer or something

this shows how little he really understands tech

Since he won’t close his hole, maybe if we shove a donut in it each time he opens it…

Localhost gone woke 😂


I want the ketamine he’s doing.

Coz he is an idiot lol

Here’s an idea – let’s never post about Elon Musk again because we are fuelling this fish-faced fuck. This sub is just a Musk sub nowadays.

Leon generates his own followers.. think about it do that many people actually like him

Just to be clear, the “woke mind virus” is an idea or set of ideas that free speech warrior Elon Musk doesn’t like, correct?

the peculiar musings of a sleep deprived, coked up brain

He’s an idiot. 


He doesn’t know much but he knows the people that are listening to him know even less

Musk demonstrates a level of scripting knowledge customary among middle managers in the software development space.

it means that he was once woke and then realized that if he lost morals, and became a bigger asshole, he could make more money and buy the US presidency

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