Eric Cantona kicks a Nazi in the crowd

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[Video ]( the incident. iirc he said his one regret was that he wished he could have kicked even harder

I hope there will be a lot more Nazis facing consequences in our future.

One of the best free kicks ever recorded in soccer history.

Right in the sieg heils.

“I think maybe, it’s like a dream for some people, you know, to sometimes kick these kinds of people. So I did it for them, so they are happy”

Yesssir 🫡

do elon next

Haha i remember this. I’m fooking old I guess.

Fucking legend

Cantona kicked the guy for giving him shit, I don’t remember there being any political element to the argument at all.

He wasn’t a Nazi and he wasn’t doing a sieg heil (as the picture makes it look, that’s just because he’s in the middle of being kicked)

He was being xenophobic though – Cantona kicked him because the fan shouted ‘fuck off back to France’

He wasn’t a ‘Nazi” but racist,

I Remember the day, Cantona had ben sent off and the fan shouted something like “fuck off to France”… Cantona didn’t appreciate.



Contona was a goat. Whatever he do, he has his own reason.

No, he was not kicking him. He was making a ‘from my foot to your face’ gesture of peace and love.

30 years ago today

Thus should be happening more often, Nazis and Zionists should not be allowed room to promote their racism

I never, ever remember talks of this guy being a nazi as a kid when I saw this. And it was huge news at the time.

That’s exactly what should be done to nazis

“Ooh Aah, Cantona”

I know this pic is old but let’s make this the new normal

What a great video!!!

Punch a nazi in the face

That is exactly what a Nazi should get. We should all be like Eric.

This is the way.

I think he’s just throwing his heart into the crowd with his feet.

Foot < Hand

Is it just me or does the pixel woman to the right look freaking ecstatic about it 😄



There are a total of 3 shocked people in the crowd. Hell, most have the expression of “Serves him right”. Lovely

Guys let’s all take it upon ourselves to kick a nazi in the crowd

The King 👑🔴⚪⚫




Gave him the ol Zeig Heel!

What the fuck did this have to do with nazi-ism? Are we just re-writing history now?

I thought the guy just was talking crap, couldn’t find anything about him being a Nazi.

Glory, glory Manchester United!

I hope his foot is ok….for another goaaaaaaaaal

This is sweet whats the context

This picture is so freaking evocative. The audience reactions in the background have Norman Rockwell energy—The kid on his mom’s lap looking nervous but excited while she’s just in pure shock. The woman on the bottom level squealing with glee like they just scored a goal. The delightfully mustachioed inspector gadget looking dude. The three open mouthed guys on the left looking like this is the coolest thing that ever happened to them. The man scowling next to them like he thinks the Nazi’s had some good points. And the gasping man on the left looking like he just found out Bruce Willis was dead the whole op time. 10/10 capturing of a moment.

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