Eric Trump meltdown

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Big “wait until my father hears about this” energy.

If he ever runs for president he has his campaign slogan: “We can, and will, do so much worse.” <– sadly MAGA would still vote for him.

WTF does Eric have to do with his old man running the country?

Nepotism at its finest, expected of the Trump family at this point I guess.

DJT is one thing, dealing with his stooge children is quite another!

Go ahead and cry Eric. As a veteran, if I’m called back to action to defend democracy from the billionaire elite, I will do so much worse.

Oh pipe down already, Eric. Who is this “we” you’re referring to? You got a mouse in your pocket? Because nobody voted for you or your coked up brother. So why don’t y’all both do the public a favor and shut up. By the way, we all know Lara wears the pants in your marriage/household.

What a little luser, never amounted to anything and wanting so bad to have daddy like him.

Spoken like a true dictator.

Toe the line.


He is threatening you.

Are we the baddies?

The age of golden showers I suppose… facepalm 🤦‍♀️ what in the actual fuck

Here is a juice box and a cookie, Eric. Now shut the fuck up

Make America Worse Again

Hahahaha listen to this trust fund baby talk.

That’s a coke rant if I ever read one

Alocholic loser

He’s basically telling on himself. He’s just a big bully. What concerns me is any of the power and sway that he holds. He’s not smart by any means to post that. It can be seen as an act of aggression towards multiple different groups of people and countries. The people have lost power and it’s just ‘elites’ that hold it even when they don’t have anything that makes them elite or worthy.


“Tow the line.” Poor Eric.

One observation I’d like to make: I believe these toeheads overestimate the allegiance of the bulk of the military to a bunch of privileged, spoiled-rotten draft dodgers/never-served wannabes.

It’s been less than a week into Pumpkin Pol Pot’s regime and there’s already been more pushback than they anticipated.

Hell, that wimpy Dem Gavin Newsom absolutely cucked the Leaning Tower of Pisa Shit on national TV and kissed the woman who pretends to be his wife on the lips.

AOC is right. We need to be brawlers. It’s not Democrats vs Republicans. It’s workers vs oligarchs.

Is he with Vivek?

Want to see the definition of creepy?

Watch old footage of Eric Trump judging a beauty contest. You can feel the sleaze coming through the screen.

I’d just like to know who the “We” is considering his greatest achievement has been coming out of Daddy’s dick.

THE “Do you know who my Dad is” guy. What a weiner.

He’s a soft little bitch, just like his dad

So war it is.

So much for, no wars under trump, eh trump fans?

“Tow” the line? Tow it where?

You need to read what they’re saying:

Pete Hesgeth on ridding America of the evil left, they’re okay with seeing us dead.

As well as this:

>-“authoritarian one-man rule partially legitimized by necessity” – that is, “the breakdown of republican, constitutional rule”, adding that “a nation no longer capable of ruling itself must yet be ruled”.

>Yarvin suggests that a would-be American autocrat should campaign on and win an electoral mandate for an authoritarian program. They should purge the federal bureaucracy in a push. Yarvin has anagrammatized as Rage (for “retire all government employees”).

>**They should simply ignore any court rulings that seek to constrain them.** They should bring Congress to heel, in part by mobilizing their populist base against recalcitrant lawmakers. And liberal or mainstream media organizations and universities should be summarily closed.

They’re really claiming that they’re saving us from fucking up America. I don’t feel great.

I think that’s what Eric is telling us. That they’ll really snuff us out.

To anybody in denial about what’s happening right now before our eyes, ***we are already living within a fascist state*** ***without any actual rule of law***. The “law” will not be of any concern to the regime – which is what it is – because none of them have scruples, and they’re cultivating all the sycophants they’ll need to completely destroy the remnants of the pre-fascist state. They will soon keep Americans in line with mortal fear, threats of violence, and so on.

The United States will become like Pinochet’s Chile, but with techno-dystopian billionaires forcing their will upon us as well. Disappeared people, arbitrary arrests, political prisoners, torture and so on. Public and private speech will become dangerous, and not just because of the illegal actions of the corrupt apparatus of the State. We can’t forget that Trump just unleashed a small army of violent, rightwing nut jobs who are enthusiastic about using political violence against Americans and other enemies, and at the same time, the FOP endorsed this absurd man for President. Just as with Chile, the police will become a weapon against dissent of any kind.

Mark my words, I am right!

I must have missed his election win?? What race did he win??

do WORSE? do they hate America

Nothing to see here just a private citizen threatening anyone who disagrees with his daddy

*TOE the line

He’s telling us what his dad is telling him. They’re willing to go full fascist. Dark times are coming, and we can either give up to despair or fight back. It’s up to us to save us.

Saying the quiet part out loud.

I’ve already chosen a side and can’t wait for mid-terms. Run me down, bitch.

Worse…not even better. WORSE.

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