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He was seeking professional help, but as of your reply, I suppose he is now seeking unprofessional help.

may i suggest you answer the fucking question

comment image?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92064f7b304aef7cb10d0df3270d3b0b8d616031

He did finally cave on instagram after a while. In one of his videos, someone asked why one of his hands wasn’t showing and he replied that his was rubbing one out.

Yeah, but what’s the answer?

Good etiquette is answering the question, snob

The comment section on williams instagram is hilarious. I follow him just for the comments. 

But he’s already seeking professional support

Answer the fucking question

What kind of wanker posts something like this?

That’s exactly what he *is* doing.

Isn’t that the guy from Lake Dredge Appraisal

Pip, with me suggesting that one should never pull out the wee wee and check it for scabs whilst at the table.

So you can only rub one out under the table with the help of a professional?

Professional help? Like….like a prostitute?

He is seeking professional help, you’re the etiquette professional, who else is he suppose to ask?

Giving wankers a bad name init

Step 1: Tell everyone the table is unsteady and disappear under the table for a moment. This is your opportunity to get your knob out.

Step 2: Rub one out whilst also complaining about the table. When you are almost at critical mass, act as if you are apoplectic with rage. This will explain your face distortion and inability to talk.

Step 3. When you’re done, pretend you have spilt food in your lap, meaning you can stand up with complete confidence.

I thought you were the professional bro.

She’s mashing it


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This is the same William Hanson btw

Answer the man’s question!

He’s mashing it.

I think the sponsored ad. underneath this is trying to tell us something, since apparently “the giving hand is better than the receiving…. ‘

I’ve seen him on one of those WIRED videos. Seems like a fun guy to be around.

So the etiquette is rubbing one out under the table is only ok if you get professional help to do so. Gotcha.

Well I was, but I guess now I’ll just go fuck myself!

Social experiment went wrong


Hope they never ban Tiktok. Too much gold on that platform

If dude would address the question, dude would stop asking it

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