Europe still thinks Nazis are bad

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Inb4 we get banned for upvoting “violent content”.

I already got one warning. If I’m banned for opposing nazis and ultra rich then so long and thanks for the fish!

Tolerance is a social contract. If you don’t buy into it, you’re not protected by it.

Not all Europe, see Rassemblement National for France, Fratteli d’Italia or Fidesz-MPSZ for Hungary and more on more countries

A World Turned Upside Down.Unfortunately.

Hell yeah.

See a Nazi, punch a nazi

I wonder if this also falls under Reddits new violation policy.

It’s not violence when it’s against nazis. It’s a public service.

It’s only free speech if it isnt against vance

So does Canada!

They’re not fighting, they’re “cuddling.” Its fine

Good news is that there are now plenty of Nazis to punch here in the U.S., it’s practically open season 🤜

Canada here to cheer! **GO EUROPE!**

The intolerant shouldn’t be tolerated, whether it’s Nazis or islamists immigrating to Europe and forcing women to wear Burqas and non-Muslims to “respect” Ramadan and refrain from eating. There have been quite a few cases like that lately.

American here: some of us still share this view and am absolutely disgusted and embarrassed but also sorry! Over 75 million people died fighting to defeat facism and literal evil during WWII and now Trump and Musk have become exactly what was defeated. To my European friends: I still love you guys and hope you guys don’t hate us all!

Up voted just for this picture

This is by default, but make sure subreddit not getting banned for “promoting violence “

Wasn’t this in Portland or am I making this up?

Inb4 Germany elections

Will always have my upvote!

Never gets old

Seeing the rise of facism makes me want to play through the wolfenstein series, it’s very cathartic

Commenting so I can be flagged harder. #punchallnazis

Boy I wish I could punch a Nazi

Make the world a better place, chair a neo-Nazi in the face!

I got banned for a week for suggesting violence against a Nazi and I’m not ashamed one bit. Ban me again.

As an American who lives in one of America’s worst cities (“Huntington Beach: Where the Klan Meets the Sand”) I’m 100% in favor of Nazi’s getting punched.

Can I say that in the new “banned for upvotes “ Reddit?

Can I say John C. Woods had the right idea?

Death to far right neo nazis/fascist!

How would I ever use a vpn to bypass multiple account bans for violent content in regards to firing nazis out of a human sized cannon?

What is this karma farming

Ukraine Azov and the street name Bandera Nazi in Kyiv.

Of course. But their actions support it at the same time.

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